21 Jan

DNC Announces New Executive Director Associated with ACORN

DNC announces new executive director associated with ACORN
Daily Caller
In a letter Thursday, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine announced that he had selected Patrick Gaspard to serve as the political party’s new executive director.
The selection is certain to draw criticism from conservatives because of Gaspard’s past association with activist organization ACORN.
Gaspard’s role in the Obama machine has been a target of conservative criticism .
Gaspard donated thousands of dollars to ACORN, The American Spectator has reported, and worked for New York’s Working Families Party and labor union SEIU.

Kaine wrote in the letter, “He understands the importance of grassroots politics and team building… Working together, I am confident that we can protect the progress of the past two years, achieve important electoral victories in 2011 and 2012.”

Gaspard is currently working as the Obama administration’s director of the Office of Political Affairs.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Criminals abound and notice how both the Clinton’s and Obama surround themselves with the worst for our country.
I guess Mickey Mouse and the many dead people will once again be voting.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

ACORN is far from dead. It has just been broken down into numerous other organizations. Different names, same goals and methods.

Mark says:

For sure Tom, alive and well slithering under obamas bus until the next election.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, you right and I thought it might be almost done with.
Mark, slithering is a good way to describe it.

Jethro says:

Something about your web page is slowing the load time. For the last couple days, its taking 50+ seconds.