19 Jan

Donald Trump On Chinese President Hu Jintao Visit: Obama Will Drop to His Knees & Kiss His Hand

Note the communist flag = DISGUSTING!
Hu landed at Andrews Air Force base and was expected soon afterwards at the White House for a rare private dinner hosted by President Barack Obama in recognition of the key nature of a relationship under severe recent strain.
The full pomp of the state visit comes Wednesday, when Hu will be greeted by full military honors before Oval Office talks and a lavish state dinner — only the third of Obama’s two-year presidency.


A Secret Service agent guards his post on the roof of the White House as a lamp post is adorned with Chinese and US national flags in Washington, DC, on January 17. China’s President Hu Jintao arrived in the United States Tuesday for a state visit promising frank talk over economics and currency disputes, but likely to expose a wide gulf over human rights. (AFP/File/Jewel Samad)


Members of the US Air Force roll out the red carpet upon the arrival of Chinese President Hu Jintao at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland


During a phone interview with Your World host Neil Cavuto, the potential 2012 U.S. Presidential candidate had this to say about American-Chinese relations as Cavuto simultaneously covered live President Hu’s arrival at St. Andrew’s Air Force Base. When Cavuto noted, “Alright, they’re rolling out the red carpet [for President Hu],” Trump laughed, “”So, I don’t have a television in front of me: You’ll let me know whether our President drops to his knees, right?”*

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Trump was on longer then the video shares, but you can get the idea of what Trump was saying. I heard it when it happened and I almost stood up and cheered to hear someone speak the truth about China and our country and what should be done.
The last time the Chinese were in the White House it was with the Clintons.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Mark says:

“Obama will drop to his knees”…there’s been rumors about that, and Barney Frank has been making secret midnight visits to the wh, so maybe there is some truth to all of this.
Looks like Trump don’t like whats going on, Good need some more power on our side, this crap has to come to an end. I read yesterday, we are in to the Chinese to the tune of $907 Billion, …like it or not they are holding all of the cards. And how did the Russians get the Stealth Technology, who in turn gave it to the Chinese, all this has happened during obama’s watch. They were suppose to be 10 years behind in that area.

BobF says:

Is that Biden in the picture helping with the carpet? Biden was at Andrews to meet the ChiCom president.
It seems this video is dated too far in the future.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Hu’$ in charge, eh?

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Hu needs to thank all the democrats and all the Walmart shoppers for China’s thriving economy. Then thank the Clintons for the rocket technology. Then thank obama for the massive increase in America’s debt. Yes, President Hu will be a busy man.

Wild Thing says:

Thank you so much.
Bob thanks for the video link.