12 Jan

Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh!…60th!

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III was born January 12, 1951 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
Happy birthday, Rush. You have no idea how much you’ve done for us.
May God watch over you, and bless you!
Mega dittos, El Rushbo!

Rush when he was in Afghanistan to thank our troops.

Carlos says:

And many more to this American patriot, accomplished broadcaster, and solid voice for freedom.
As another great American radio broadcaster, Paul Harvey would say, today is a goooood day, indeed.
Here’s some more good news and something you won’t likely read or hear in the press;
something that may come as surprising for some (but not me), something insightful, so revealing, reassuring and telling about us American autobiography readers:
“My Life” by Bill Clinton has now sold 2.2 million copies since being published more than six years ago.
“Decision Points” by George W. Bush has just surpassed that number,
and in just two months !
The stars and stripes forever !

Mark says:

Happy Birthday , Rush.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

For all Majarushy does for Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty, one day he will be added to…
Mount RUSHmore!

Avitar says:

Rush serves on the frount lines even if the chances of getting killed are small j\his chances of being destroyed have been high for twenty five years.