05 Jan

The Story Behind The “Star Spangled Banner” Our National Anthem

Dudley Rutherford, senior pastor of Shepherd of the Hills Church in Porter Ranch, California, explains the
story behind the “Star Spangled Banner” – our National Anthem.



Wild Thing’s comment………
On this special day after all the Townhalls and Tea Party events, people speaking out, writing letters, making phone calls and our voting in November last year, I thought this would be a good day to play the story of our Anthem which is the first video and the other video where a Marine sang at one of the Tea parties.

jan says:

You are so right, Chrissie, it IS a special day in this wonderful land of freedom! Rejoice! The day of ship-righting has arrived. 12:00 can’t come fast enough. I will say a prayer at noon for Divine Intervention and ask for His strength, encouragement and guidance. We need it all!!

BobF says:

I hate hearing our National Anthem being sung like it’s some effeminate emasculated song. You may not agree but I don’t like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUy9xbnun6Q
This young boy sings it so it makes you proud.

Carlos says:

Today is a good day.
Thank you Jan and Wild Thing for simply reminding us what it’s truly all about:
God and Country.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Hopefully today is the beginning of the end of the socialists attempt to conqer America. I also hope that, unlike the 1994 triumph in Congress, this time the Repubs maintain their focus and don’t become part of the problem.
I certainly agree with you about The Star Spangled Banner Bob. You might also use the You Tube search engine and listen to the Cactus Cuties sing their version.

gator says:

Home of the free,because of the brave!!!!

Mark says:

Lets hope they got the message. Otherwise its back to bootcamp to find a new crew.

BobF says:

Tom, I’ve heard the Cactus Cuties and they do a fantastic job of singing the National Anthem.

Wild Thing says:

Thank you everyone.
Bob, I agree what a difference in the two videos you post in your comment. Those three women sound like they are sick. Not what I like at all for our Anthem.
Tom, I forgot about the Cactus Cuties. I remember you had sent it to me and I posted it last year I think it was. The Cactus Cuties are wonderful.