22 Dec

Vietnam Wall Christmas

At the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Wall, a Christmas tree tribute now stands to all those who sacrificed

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I am glad they did this. Our Veterans and all those that have given so much should always be remembered and never forgotten.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

The troops and airmen in the Forgotten War (Korea) and the Vietnam War deserve BETTER and more importantly, our RESPECT for their courage, selflessness and ultimate sacrifices! John 15:13 sayeth “Greater no love than this, than a man who lays down his life for a friend.”

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I think a Christmas tree, dedicated to ALL Americans who have died in war, is a great idea.

pontiff alex says:

They are NEVER, EVER, Forgotten as long as I’m alive. I love this idea.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, yes they do. I agree and also I think our entire country should show their gratitude on a regular basis and not only on Veterans day.

Eddie (Enemy of the State) says:

But ….but….but, didn’t the goobermint tell us Christmas could no longer be openly celebrated?

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I was surprised and it made me so happy to see this. I am not sure if they have done this before or not.

Wild Thing says:

Alex, same here, and well said.

Wild Thing says:

Eddie, thank you. That was good and she sang about most of the things he has done too. Thank you for the video.