Profanity, Anger Spill Over in House Democratic Caucus Meeting
By Anna Palmer
Roll Call Staff
The frustration with President Barack Obama over his tax cut compromise was palpable and even profane at Thursday’s House Democratic Caucus meeting.
One unidentified lawmaker went so far as to mutter “f— the president” while Rep. Shelley Berkley was defending the package the president negotiated with Republicans. Berkley confirmed the incident, although she declined to name the specific lawmaker.
“It wasn’t loud,” the Nevada Democrat said. “It was just expressing frustration from a very frustrated Member.”
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.) was also overheard saying that “we can’t trust him” not to cave to Republicans and extend the tax cuts again in two years, according to a Democratic source.
The anger aimed at the bill was widespread. As Democrats moved to block the bill from coming up on the floor, chants of “Just say no!” could be heard by reporters outside the room.
Berkley is one of the few Democrats publicly supporting the package. While she said it wasn’t necessarily how she would have written it, the bill should go forward in her estimation because it is “chock full” of tax cuts that will help the working class in her state.
“I’m not willing to play Russian roulette to see who blinks first,” Berkley said.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
So will Obama and his ilk make a big deal about this like they did with Joe Wilson when he said, “You lie!” .
“Turn out the lights, the party’s oovvveeerrrrrrrr……”……..RIP Don Meridith
LOL This is turning out to be the best Christmas EVER!!!!!!!!!
Brett Baier said they were chanting “No we can’t!”.
They are slow learners, I been saying that for almost 2 years now. f… the prez.
Well the dems finally came around to thinking my way. F… Obama.
By the way since the dems. are now openly and hostilely disagreeing with obama are they now going to be called racist?
Open dissention in the communist ranks. I love it.
Petulant little bassids aren’t they?
Mark, LOL me too.
MrHappy, ditto that. And yes are they going to be called racist now, I guess the ole double standard will apply again. augh.
Jim, heh heh me too.
Jack, thanks for the link. They sure are.