This is the full version of the interview.
Dem Rep. Anthony Weiner appears on Fox News with Megyn Kelly to discuss and condemn Obama’s “compromise” on the extension of the Bush tax cuts.
“You have to listen,” Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., scolded Fox News’ Megyn Kelly during an on-air interview Wednesday afternoon.
A testy Weiner took to the cable news airwaves to condemn President Barack Obama’s proposed “compromise” on an extension of the Bush-era tax cuts. But a conversation that started out focused on Obama’s decision to work with congressional Republicans quickly turned into a combative exchange in which Mediaite notes the congressman displayed no patience for Kelly’s questioning, “interrupting, sighing, looking away, clapping his hands and clearly crossing the line into condescension.”
Few things tick off swine like Weiner more than the gov’t not being able to heavily tax people’s estates (at 100%, if they had their druthers), and the commie Weiner was true to form. When Megyn challenged him by saying the earned money has already been taxed several times, Weiner turned his head to the side and pouted, refusing to look at the camera. “It’s not their money; they’re DEAD,” he kept repeating in as haughty a manner as possible. And “it’s not the heirs’ money; they didn’t earn it!”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
“It’s not their money; they’re DEAD,” he kept repeating in as haughty a manner as possible. And “it’s not the heirs’ money; they didn’t earn it!”
So…when I die….my guns, my jewelry, my teddy bear collection, our home etc,,….all go to the State…because they aren’t mine anymore…because I’m dead?
But but but….to a democrat……dead people cannot own anything, yet they can still vote! LOL
Gee, I guess that’s why communism worked so well.
Anonymous, excellent that says it all.