04 Dec

Soros’s MoveOn People Made A Video Begging The Sorros Puppet Obama To Keep Destroying The Economy

MoveOn members send a message to Obama: NO to Millionaire Bailouts. We miss you. Stand up and fight the millionaire bailout. We’ll fight with you.
MoveOn Members submitted their own messages to Obama in this member generated ad.
President Obama
Hi Barack
President Obama
What up B?
Hi I’m Monique and this is Ally. I’m asking for her…you stand tough and you don’t extend these tax cuts for the richest Americans
I voted for you in 2008.
We voted for you because for the first time in our lifetime a politician was actually laying out a plan that reinforced the values that we’ve come to believe in as American.
I wanna say, “Thank you for all the hard work that you do”,
but We The People want you back and need you back.
What’s happened to that bold progressive man we elected president in 2008?
The guy who stands for all the people and is not gonna let himself get pushed around?
Mr President, please do not compromise with the Republicans about extending the Bush tax cuts.
I am in the highest tax bracket. We don’t need the money–the country does!
You said in your campaign speech that “enough is enough” and it’s time to fight. Please fight. I’m willing to fight with you.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Good grief! Soros trying to make sure Obama remembers who owns him.

Mark says:

Why don’t these lazy no-good for nothin SoBs go and get a friggin job, and shut the hell up, you aint paying for squat.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, well said, and thanks!!!