03 Dec

Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Create Jobs–Tax Cuts To Rich Do Not!

Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Create Jobs–Tax Cuts To Rich Do Not!
Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs
Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday. fox news
Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.
Talking to reporters, the House speaker was defending a jobless benefits extension against those who say it gives recipients little incentive to work. By her reasoning, those checks are helping give somebody a job.
“It injects demand into the economy,” Pelosi said, arguing that when families have money to spend it keeps the economy churning. “It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name.”
Pelosi said the aid has the “double benefit” of helping those who lost their jobs and acting as a “job creator” on the side.
“It’s impossible to think of a situation where we would have a country that would say we’re not going to have unemployment benefits,” Pelosi said.


Wild Thing’s comment………
OMG Okay, this should be enough for people to recognize: the woman is not merely stupid, she is insane. Saying the more people laid off the more jobs are created is NUTS. “Unemployment insurance is the best way we have to create jobs.” LOL HAHAHA ROFLMAO priceless! Gotta admit, though, it takes hutzpa to say something so outrageously stupid on the record.
Ross Perot was wrong – that giant sucking sound was coming from Nancy Pelosi’s cranium.
The fastest way to create jobs is to cut taxes so businesses can afford to HIRE instead of FIRE. But then you don’t get your corrupt cut out of it them DO you Nancy?

petesuj says:

So…according to Pelosinomics the more people who are out of work and get unemployment checks the more jobs there will be? Therefore, if we want to really stimulate the hell out of the economy, we should all be fired and collect unemployment. Then there’d be kajillions of new jobs, but who’d want to work if you’re already getting plenty of unemployment benefits…’cause working is actually bad for the stimulation of the economy according to Pelosinimics…so we all stay off work, but there’s plenty of jobs now, so we go to work, but that deflates the creation of jobs, so….AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGG!! My brain hurts!

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Pelosi is certifiably nuts. Her grasp of economics is worse than slippery. Thank goodness she doesn’t teach economics in high school.

Anonymous says:

Increase the deficit to fund investment or increase the deficit to fund consumption… which one will build the economy? Um, lemme think.

BobF says:

Gee, if unemployment checks create jobs, maybe I should get fired from mine so I can collect unemployment and help create jobs. Better yet, if my employer went out of business, just think how many jobs those thousands of people going on unemployment would create. Those evil companies who are struggling to stay in business are causing the unemployment problem because they’re preventing the government from issuing unemployment checks.

Avitar says:

The problem is that There are people who believer Pelosi.

Wild Thing says:

Pete, LOL my brain hurts too.
Tom, yes, can you imagine if she did teach YIKES.
Anonymous, Hahahahha good one.
Bob, heh heh good one too.
Avitar, your right and that is a scary thought.
GREAT responses and input thank you all so much.