30 Nov

GOP Rep.Steve Buyer To Acting House Speaker Dem Rep.Laura Richardson And Her Tyrannical Behavior: “This is why the People have Thrown You Out”

This is quite an exchange on the House floor, it is between Republican Steve Buyer and the acting Democratic House Speaker who is playing games with the rules. She will not recognize him and there is no one to object.

Republican Rep. Steve Buyer reading acting House Speaker (Dem Rep. Laura Richardson) the riot act over the power games she was playing by refusing to recognize him to speak even though there was no one else even there to object to him being recognized. As she continued to deny him the right to speak, Buyer even said to her, “This is why the American People have thrown you out of power.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Good for Rep.Steve Buyer and he is right. This attidute from Laura Richardson is one of the big reasons so many reacted at the Townhall meetings and not only Republicans but Democrats that voted for these democrat power hungry jerks.

Jack says:

Take ’em all out next time!!!

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Our Congress keeps getting further away from constitutional republican govt.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, heh heh yess

Wild Thing says:

Tom, it sure does.
Thank God for this last election, but we need more of that kind of thing and a real effort to go back to what our Founding Fathers worked so hard to set up.