13 Nov

Pelosi: “We Didn’t Lose Because of Me.”

Nancy Pelosi says the Democrats did not lose the election because of her, instead she blames the high unemployment rate. Pelosi claims she was targeted by Republicans because of her effectiveness in fighting “special interest in Washington DC.”

“The reason the election results are what they are is because we have nine and a half percent unemployment in our country. We didn’t lose the election because of me.”


Pelosi: “We Didn’t Lose Because of Me.”
The Wall Street Journal
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she has the “overwhelming support” of fellow Democrats in her bid to become minority leader in the next Congress, and says she’s not to blame for the Democrats’ mid-term debacle.
“We didn’t lose the election because of me,” Ms. Pelosi told National Public Radio in an interview that aired Friday morning. “Our members do not accept that.”
Instead, the California Democrat attributes the loss of at least 60 seats to high unemployment and “$100 million of outside, unidentified funding.”
“Any party that cannot turn (9.5% unemployment) into political gains should hang up the gloves,” she said.
The NPR interview is one of the first Ms. Pelosi has granted since a small-but-growing number of Democrats began publicly lamenting her decision to seek the top job in the minority. That list even includes some loyal allies, such as Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan.
Among those rooting for Ms. Pelosi to stick around are Republicans

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL Just keep talking like that Nancy.
This shows how in denial and out of touch these liberal Democrats really are.
And since they are so misunderstanding the real reasons for the election results, they won’t make the changes they should to compete in 2012.
It isn’t just a river in Egypt!
Heh heh

Mark says:

She’s off her medication again. And somebody should up the voltage on it and put her back to bed.
All of these democrats are coming out and saying this but will they vote for her and if so will it make any difference. She is the gift that keeps on giving. As minority leader she will be granted, probably, more time than Boehner but her rants will virtually be meaningless to an ever diminishing group of supporters. This should be interesting, there are alot of Axes to grind against her and both sides know it.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Just like Joe the Gaff Biden. Nancy and Joe need to be given every opportunity to say their thing. Their utterances are great recruiting tools for Repub votes. Pretty soon even people who don’t understand English will be laughing at these Dems.

Wild Thing says:

Mark,LOL good one.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, they sure are and I hope the conservatives save these statements to use if needed.