10 Nov

Florida Attorney General-elect Pam Bondi :Majority of States Will Join Suit Against Obamacare

Florida Attorney General-elect Pam Bondi told Greta that a majority of states are now joining the suit against Obamacare. At least 26 states will sign on to the suit challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare. 28 states may join the suit. Only 43 states elect an attorney general.


Wild Thing’s comment…….
Good and it will grow too. Florida Attorney General-elect Pam Bondi is a conservative and the Tea Party movement backed her. She will keep fighting against obamacare. I was worried a little during the election that we would get people that would stop this fighting back and getting rid of obamacare. But for Florida it worked out so well.

Mark says:

Recently, Kagen threw out a lawsuit because it had not gone through the proper precess. Sotojerker and this leftist bozo, can make trouble for these new Attorneys General. With these two on the court there can’t be anyone more to the left and anti-Constitution and American than they are. but if enough states sign on to this we should win.
They are pulling out all the stops now since the election, knowing full well their time is limited its time to push hard for OUR agenda, to get our Republic back.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, thanks for the information.