26 Oct

NJEA Union Teachers Call Black Kids N******, Say They Want to F*** With Kids

NJEA Union Teachers call black students n*****, talk about slandering Christie, say they want to “f*** with kids,” and brag about rigged elections and voter fraud.
Directed by Christian Hartsock. Narrated by Michael Garrett. Graphic Art by Riel Phillips. Music by Brandon Martinez. Motion Graphics by Daniel Smith.


Wild Thing’s comment………
OMG what despicable people!
It’s time to reconstruct our school systems, from the ground up. It’s time to draw and quarter teacher’s unions. It’s time to save children from these people.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Hey teacher unionites, just GOOGLE our public school ILLITERACY rates and DROPOUT rates!

Mark says:

Thats what happens with Tenure, they think they can’t be fired they are impervious to any law or principle. This is typical Union with runaway disrespect for any authority.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, good point. Things have changed so much. Teachers used to love teaching, the act of teaching and loved to see students improve etc. Now teachers just want to spew their propaganda and could care less if they are even teaching. I have a very low opinion of teachers.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, ditto all you said.
We had a chance to have a bill passed here in FL. that would make it where teachers had to be watched, tested and kept after to be good teachers kind of thing. That was at the beginning of Charlie Crist turning against all conservative things and he would not sign the thing into law. So now we are back to teachers have free reign to be as horrible as they want to be.