05 Oct

Obama Administration’s Nat. Park Service Spokesman Bill Lane Lashes Out at Critics of ‘One Nation’ Rally Trashing of Nat’l Mall


National Park Service and ‘One Nation Moving Forward’ say Saturday rally no messier than other rallies
Daily Caller
Spokesmen for the National Park Service and “One Nation Moving Forward” said that the pictures and videos of garbage taken by conservative bloggers and websites, as well as The Daily Caller, are a misrepresentation of the liberal rally.
“I consider [The Daily Caller’s article] to be highly inaccurate,” said a very forceful NPS spokesman, Bill Line.

“To imply that this past weekend’s event is more dirty, contains more trash or is filthier than any other demonstration is not grounded in reality.”

Wishing to counter smears against Tea Partiers as well as paint liberals as irresponsible hypocrites, conservative blogs and websites have been merciless in their documentation, ridicule and condemnation of trash left by attendees of the “One Nation” rally at the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday.

“They should have planned more,” said the only person TheDC could find cleaning up on the Mall on Sunday. “There should have been a clean-up crew.”

The man, who didn’t want to be identified by name, went on to say that he also helped clean up after Fox host Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally in August and said there was a distinct difference in how much trash was on the Mall after that rally and the state of the Mall after the “One Nation” rally.

“I was at the other one too,” he said. “So I’ve seen both. I know the difference.”

Conservative bloggers have made pains to contrast the general cleanliness of Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally last month with Saturday’s rally and have used the images as an indictment against liberals.
Line, however, was adamant in his disagreement of such assessments.

“This trash you have on [TheDC’s] front page could be found at any other large rally that has happened previously at the Mall and could happen in the future,” said Line.

Line said the garbage at the “One Nation” rally was no different than any other rally. Trash, it seems, is apolitical.

“It is common, typical, regular ordinary, commonplace. You get the idea?” said Line. “It’s very commonplace with ANY rally, march demonstration, anywhere on the Mall where you have large numbers of people.”


An honest Parks Department employee who was on duty at both the 8/28 and 10/2 events, verifies that the trashing of the Lincoln memorial by the Leftists was the “Worst that it Gets” and The Restoring Honor Rally was very busy, very crowded, but the trash was picked up and put into piles by the participants. This could be shrugged off as insignificant, but it is a powerful example of the “unintended consequences” of the Marxist/Capitalist, Progressive/Conservative, Secular (group salvation, liberation theology)/Religious (individual salvation, Judeo Christian Culture) competing systems in America today. Those of us who were there the whole time, and watched thousands just drop their bottles, wrappers, food, or literature when they were finished with them, saw a culture of carelessness, apathy, flippancy, and neglect which is simply the root of the utter failure of Leftism every time it has been tried.


One Nation Rally DISRespect for Our WWII Vets


Wild Thing’s comment……..
These lefties trashed it just like they did on Inauguration Day for Obama.
LOL We have ALL SEEN THE PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEOS. The Park Service is saying, “Who ya gonna believe? Me? Or your lying eyes?” The pictures don’t lie you idiot!
Eagles live in a nest. Pigs live in a sty.

Mark says:

We have all seen this before. The disrespect for our country. This is just another form. To me, the Veterans of WW 2 are special. Brokaw called them the Greatest Generation of our country. To me, and I mean no disrespect, the Greatest Generation was our founding Fathers, then the WW 2 Generation.
The disrespect these people show for our country was on display this past Saturday. Especially, at the WW 2 Memorial. On the Semi-circle listing the Battles where these men of the greatest Generation gave their all was ‘trashed’ almost beyong recognition. One of the punks at this communist rally was telling a reporter, “‘that if it came to violence he would fight the capitalists”.
Evidently, he has never learned his history very well. It was the 1.5 Million people at the GB Restoring Honor rally , their Grand parents and parents who visited the names on those semi-circles. This punk would’d crap his pants having to land on Iwo Jima, or be dropped behind the lines on D-Day at 2 O’clock in the morning.
It is these cowards who assault the elderly, intimidate the weak, trash our Nations history but don’t have the balls to take on real Americans but if they want to bring it on that’s ok we will fight for our country.
I am heartily tired of these bastards who hate America because they are too lazy to work and earn their keep. We have been fighting them for more than 40 years, it’s time for the final battle to get these worthless bastards out of here.

BobF says:

Mark…well said!
We see first hand the difference between those who respect this nation and its memorials and those who don’t.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

This is the same way these people live at home. For many their homes are projects, Section 8 or govt subsidized mortgaged homes they can’t really afford. The same people buy new cars they can’t afford and trash them in a few weeks. It is a state of mind(less). They demand that they deserve much from other people who work rather than demand. These are the type of people living at the govt or unions’ teat. They have lots of problems in life, almost always caused by their own shortcomings and bad decisions. Sadly they breed, and sometimes vote.

Anonymous says:

TomR, you said it. We now have poor people who don’t know how to be poor anymore. Used to be, not having any money meant one had to be thrifty, make-do, go without, etc. Now, it’s spend recklessly, buy big-name everything and demand more money– as loudly and obnoxiously as possible until that works, then repeat.