02 Oct

Rick “Hit&Run” Sanchez Fired From CNN

Rick Sanchez Fired From CNN
CNN released this statement :

“Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well.“

They will broadcast CNN Newsroom from 3-5pm for the foreseeable future.
CNN’s Rick Sanchez is not happy with being made fun of constantly on The Daily Show and Colbert Report. It is from this jumping off point that he absolutely unleashed on Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and at times his own network, on Pete Dominick’s satellite radio show yesterday.
The big takeaway – Sanchez calls Stewart “a bigot,” then walks it back a bit, and he implies CNN is run by Jews.
Dominick was not just a radio show host – he is a CNN contributor who has a regular gig on John King, USA (more on that below), and he formerly was the warm up comic at The Daily Show. Which is why when Sanchez says “I think Jon Stewart’s a bigot” early in the interview, Dominick pushed back:
Dominick: How is he a bigot?
Sanchez: I think he looks at the world through, his mom, who was a school teacher, and his dad, who was a physicist or something like that. Great, I’m so happy that he grew up in a suburban middle class New Jersey home with everything you could ever imagine.
Dominick: What group is he bigoted towards?
Sanchez: Everybody else who’s not like him. Look at his show, I mean, what does he surround himself with?
A few minutes later, Sanchez takes back the word “bigot,” changing it to “prejudicial” and “uninformed.”
Later in the interview, Dominick brings up the fact that Stewart is Jewish, so is a minority himself. Sanchez laughs this off:

I’m telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority? Yeah.

If that wasn’t clear, the “yeah” was sarcastic. “I can’t see somebody not getting a job somewhere because they’re Jewish,” says Sanchez.

Past stories about this jerk………………
Drunk Rick Sanchez of CNN Is A Hit and Run Driver Now Also LIES About Rush

Rick Sanchez quoted Rush Limbaugh on CNN and the quote was fabricated. The racially insensitive quote attributed to Limbaugh was made up on the internet and not uttered by Rush.

Sanchez has refused to apologize for using the quote in a hit job on Limbaugh designed to destroy Limbaugh’s bid for the St. Louis Rams.

Rick Sanchez ran over a man and left the guy for dead.

It was December 10, 1990. Sanchez was leaving a Miami Dolphins game when he ran over a man. Sanchez fled the scene for two hours.

Finally, Sanchez came back. Two hours after the incident, Sanchez was still drunk — well above the legal limit. But Sanchez was a well known Miami reporter with lots of friends on the police force. He was never charged with the hit and run. He just pled no contest to DUI.

The man Sanchez hit and ran away from? He died in 1995, paralyzed and in a nursing home.

This is the guy who decided to take to television this week and moralize against Rush


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Sanchez is a horrible person. If there was a list of all the things he has said that were outright lies just so he could spew his hate for the right it would be a very long list.
He should have been fired a long time ago. He should have been fired when he slammed and lied about Rush Limbaugh!!!!!

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I had only seen clips of this guy. What an egotistical arse. Kudos to CNN for finally getting rid of him. Hope he can’t find another job, although MSNBC likes his kind of leftist slant.

Sean says:

Rick Sanchez is a typical example of Affirmative Action hiring, gone wrong.
I watched him, only because the coffee shop, I frequent, has him on. What I saw was nothing more than uninformed idiot, passing off his personal opinions as if they were undeniable truths.
As the old saying goes, “Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish”.

Jack says:

Today Rick Sanchez, tomorrow Geraldo Rivera.
Both would be a best fit at Democracy Now

Mark says:

They fired the wrong guy Sanchez is Hispanic, and Stewart is White European, Somethings wrong here the PC is backwards.

Wild Thing says:

Thank you everyone.
Yes tomorrow Geraldo.