Emanuel leaving White House on Friday
Two people close to Rahm Emanuel said Thursday he will resign as White House chief of staff on Friday, and will begin his campaign for Chicago mayor by meeting with voters in the city on Monday.
The two people familiar with his plans, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they did not want to pre-empt Emanuel’s announcement, said he will return to Chicago over the weekend and begin touring neighborhoods on Monday.
“He intends to run for mayor,” one of the people told The Associated Press.
Both people said they did not know when Emanuel would make an official announcement about his mayoral bid but that he would launch a website with a message to Chicago voters in the near future.
Emanuel’s plans have been the source of widespread speculation both in Chicago and Washington, D.C. ever since Mayor Richard Daley announced this month he would not seek re-election. In an April television interview, Emanuel had called it “no secret” he’d like to run for mayor.
Daley, who has held the mayor’s job since 1989 and carried on a family dynasty, surprised many with his announcement. The choice for Emanuel suddenly became whether he would make a dash for the political job he has openly coveted, at a cost of uprooting his family again and quitting his post of national influence sooner than he thought.
His replacement at WH is a slime ball from Alaska who has run all the anti-Palin crap for years. Here is his appointment story. ~ Wild Thing

Emanuel’s Departure Set; Replacement Is Longtime Aide
New York Times
Obama plans to continue reshaping his inner circle on Friday, replacing his brusque and aggressive chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, with a soft-spoken insider who has worked quietly in Mr. Obama’s shadow for years.
Pete Rouse, a senior adviser to Mr. Obama who has little public profile but considerable influence in the West Wing, will become the president’s new gatekeeper, at least through the election in November, as Mr. Emanuel moves back to Chicago to run for mayor, officials said.
Senior aides to Mr. Obama described Mr. Rouse as a temporary pick, but one who is likely to stay for several months and may in the end turn out to be the president’s final choice. Mr. Rouse has expressed reservations about holding the job for an extended period.
The decision to tap Mr. Rouse reflects a desire by the president to maintain his small circle of close advisers for now rather than bringing in an outsider or elder statesman to present a new face as Mr. Obama heads into the second half of his term with his popularity down and his party facing the possibility of big losses in November. Known as a fixer inside the White House, Mr. Rouse has had a largely unseen hand in most of the president’s big policy decisions of the last 20 months.
“There’s a complete loyalty and trust with somebody like Pete,” said Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary.
Mr. Obama’s top economic adviser, Lawrence H. Summers, director of the National Economic Council, has already announced that he will depart by the end of the year, the third member of the economic team to leave in recent months. David Axelrod, his political counselor, is expected to leave next year to focus on Mr. Obama’s re-election campaign. The president is also expected to shake up his national security team, meaning that he will have reshuffled much of his West Wing staff by the time he has been in office for two years.
From Yahoo
Advisers such as David Axelrod and Robert Gibbs are more widely credited with crafting Obama’s successful presidential run — but Rouse was the actual steward of Obama’s presidential ambitions, assembling a strategy document that put the senator on the path to his 2008 presidential bid. “There would be no Obama without Pete,” says a Democratic strategist who has worked closely with the Obama team.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Chicago, if you elect this low life you deserve the consequences.
Regarding Pete Rouse, there really isn’t one person in Obama’s life that is not a low life anti-America person. It just never ends with this horrible Obama and his people.
Chicago can gladly have Emanuel back. He can continue Chicago’s long string of thuggish, crooked mayors.
Good riddance to bad trash. Scumbag from the git go. To be replaced by another scumbag. One scumbag begets another scumbag.
Thank God and Greyhound, he’s outta there!