27 Jul

Horrible Barbara Boxer Equates Serving In Military With Serving In Congress

Barbara Boxer equates serving as a policeman, firefighter, and veteran to serving in Congress.

At a campaign event over the weekend in Inglewood, California, Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer seemingly equated being a politician to serving in the military –- and an Iraq War veteran supporting Boxer’s November opponent is calling on her to apologize.
“We know that if you have veterans in one place where they can befriend each other and talk to each other. You know when you’ve gone through similar things you need to share it. I don’t care whether you are a policeman or a fireman or a veteran or by chance a member of Congress,” the California senator said. “[Democratic Rep.] Maxine [Waters] and I could look at each other and roll our eyes. We know what we are up against. And it is hard for people who are not there to understand the pressure and the great things that go along with it and the tough things that go along with it.”
“Barbara Boxer’s disrespectful comments underscore just how out of touch she has become after her 28 years in Washington,“ Veterans for Carly Coalition Co-Chairman Lt. Commander Paul Chabot said in a press release, in response to Boxer’s comments. “Equating the experiences of members of Congress with those of brave soldiers who have fought to defend our country is just the latest example in a failed career marked by disrespect for our men and women in uniform.”
Chabot added, “Barbara Boxer owes an immediate apology to all members of America’s armed forces.”


Wild Thing’s comment…….
She isn’t worthy to lick the boot soles of any serviceman, policeman, fireman, EMT or anyone who serves & protects or for that matter has a real job.
Somebody needs to put her on a ship, make her work 14 – 18 hour days, eat crappy food, sleep (when you can) on a 3 inch thick foam pad in a 6 X 3 X 3 foot bunk listening to the melodious sound of 30 other people snoring accompanied by catapults, arresting gear, and jet engines for 6 – 8 months or longer at a time. And THAT is only if she was in the Navy, then we can move her to each of the other branches of services. sheesh!

Mark says:

Yessseree bob! it s tough being a Senator, When do Servicemen and cops get a private jet. And it really take courage trying to decide which bribe …er special interest lobby’s influence to take rather than saying no.
And spending other peoples money has really got to rank up there with hearing someone shout “Incoming”.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

I just hope this sack of senatorial crap is defeated in Nov.

Mark says:

I just read this on ‘Support our Marines’…”A moment of silence please for 3 fallen Warriors : Lt. Col. Mario D. Carazo and Maj. James M. Weis , Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing and LCpl. Frederik E. Vazquez of the 1/2.(1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment)
Her reference to the Service she gives to her country shamefully pales in comparison to these men who just this week made the ultimate sacrifice. If she were shoveling shit it would be a better job than what she’s been doing for the past 20 years. What a pompus self-serving POS.

MrHappy says:

“Well, I’ve been to one world fair, a picnic, and a rodeo, and that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard”.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, good one!
“And spending other peoples money has really got to rank up there with hearing someone shout “Incoming”.”

Wild Thing says:

Tom, me to oh that would be a dream come true.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, oh wow, thank you for sharing that.
I agree Mark, it sickens me that anyone
would even have what she said enter their brain to even think of saying such a thing, it speaks volumes about her as a person.

Wild Thing says:

MrHappy, thank you my friend.