02 Jul

Nancy Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Are the Fastest Way to Create Jobs

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi actually trying to make the case for unemployment funds being “one of the biggest stimuluses to our economy.” Pelosi said, “It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Say what???? How does a brain like this function? Or does it ????

BobF says:

I think she’s consuming too much of that free taxpayer booze on her free flights cross country. When you listen to the stupid crap coming out of her mouth, it seems she does have a drinking problem.

Mark says:

They are creating more deadbeats. If you can keep getting money from the government why bother looking for work. This is a disincentive to look for work and an incentive to stay home and let your neighbor pick up the tab.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Pelosi is one of the looniest idiots in a chamber full of idiots. Mark is right. Unemployment checks create katrina type victims, unable to function without govt. help.

cuchieddie(Enemy of the State) says:

Hey Nancy bitch, where’s my gubbmint cheese?