27 Jun

Small Business Manager Tells Joe Biden: “Lower Our Taxes”

Joe Biden traveled to Wisconsin yesterday to campaign with far left Progressive Russ Feingold (D-WI).
Joe ordered a custard at a popular custard shop in Glendale during one of their stops. When Biden approached the manager with some money and asked,
“What do I owe you,” the manager just responded,
“Lower our taxes and we’ll call it even.”
Biden later jokingly called the manager a “smart-ass,” telling him, “Why don’t you say something nice?”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Biden was pretty quick to put the thick fold of cash back in his pocket. He should have at least dropped a big tip.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Senator Plagerism reminds me of the Ted Knight character on the Mary Tyler Moore show. An ego driven, obnoxious buffoon.

Mark says:

Great response from the Custard Shop owner. And an all too typical response from Vice-President ‘Bite-me’.
Evidently, a common citizen has no right to speak his mind to V.P. Bite-me, and Bite-me’s response is to call him a name. Sounds like Bite’s right up to speed with all the talking points, from his trotskyesque leader. The masses are asses.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, good one.
Mark, heh heh I agree. I love when people take that opportunity like that and he did.