26 Jun

Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson:”We Need To Pass DISCLOSE So Republicans Don’t Win Elections”


This is the same Congressman who talked about Guam Tipping Over. And Goldman Sacks was a big supporter of Obama and democrats. ~ Wild Thing

Wild Thing’s comment……
Amazing, just amazing.

BobF says:

Hank Johnson is dumber than a box of rocks. How in the world do idiots like him get elected?

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Well, he replaced Cynthia McKinney. That gives you the idea of the voters in that district.
Both = three to Rep. Johnson. “Both the local, state and Federal”.

Anonymous says:

Pass Disclose Act so Repulican s don’t win elctions… and the dude admits it.

Wild Thing says:

BobF., I agree it really is amazing.
Tom, oh he did, thanks I had forgotten that.
Anonymous, haahha yes it is like he is even bragging about it.