Joe Sestak Repeatedly Dodges Questions on Job Offer Bribe
Rep. Joe Sestak on CNN with John King, where he continued his repeated dodging of questions regarding a job offer he says he received from the Obama White House to try and get him to drop his U.S. Senate bid against incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter. Sestak confirmed again that he did receive a job offer, but will not say from who or what the job was. Of course, the looming question is what did President Obama know about this job offer, and when did he know it?
The media seems to be starting to get active on this story. The question won’t go away. At some point, no matter how hard he tries, Obama is going to get hit with a question about this matter and what he knew about it.
Jay Sekulow from the American Center for Law and Justice told Sean Hannity tonight that if the Obama Administration does not come clean on the Sestak bribery scandal, and come clean quickly, this “Tempest in a Teapot” is about to blow. And, it could blow back on the Obama Administration and senior officials very significantly.
Dick Morris: Sestak Bribery Scandal Is Impeachable Offense
“It is illegal to offer someone anything of importance or value in return for a vote, or running or not running for office.”
Dick Morris was on with Sean Hannity to discuss the Joe Sestak bribe scandal. Morris noted that if the Obama Administration offered Sestak a position in government in order to keep him from running for US Senator, this would be an impeachable offense
Sestak White House scandal called ‘impeachable offense’
If a Democratic member of Congress is to be believed, there’s someone in the Obama administration who has committed a crime – and if the president knew about it, analysts say it could be grounds for impeachment.
“This scandal could be enormous,” said Dick Morris, a former White house adviser to President Bill Clinton, on the Fox News Sean Hannity show last night. “It’s Valerie Plame only 10 times bigger, because it’s illegal and Joe Sestak is either lying or theWhite House committed a crime.
“Obviously, the offer of a significant job in the White House could not be made unless it was by Rahm Emanuel or cleared with Rahm Emanuel,” he said. If the job offer was high enough that it also had Obama’s apppoval, “that is a high crime and misdemeanor.”
“In other words, an impeachable offense?” Hannity asked.
The situation revolves around an oft-repeated statement by Rep. Sestak, D-Pa., that he had been offered a job by the Obama administration in exchange for a decision to drop out of a senatorial primary against longtime Obama supporter Sen. Arlen Specter.
Eric Holder ducked a series of questions Thursday about how the Justice Department has followed up on questions surrounding Rep. Joe Sestak’s (D-Pa.) claim that the White House offered him a high-ranking government job in exchange for dropping out of a contested Democratic Senate primary.
Rep. Darrell Issa – This Could Be An Impeachable Offence
California Rep. Darrell Issa on Fox News yesterday where he talked about the issue of the job offer made to Rep. Joe Sestak by someone at the White House to try and get him to drop his bid for the U.S. Senate against Sen. Arlen Specter.
Issa has requested a “Special Prosecutor” be appointed to look into the matter, which has been rejected by Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder has said the matter “could be investigated,” but no such decision has been made.
Issa said it is not for the White House to decide what is “inappropriate,” referring to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs’ assertion that “nothing inappropriate” took place.
“This problem is not going away” for the White House, Issa said. Issa went on to also say, “There is a cover-up going on at the White House,” and the offer of a job “could be impeachable.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Needless to say a Republican would have faced the GOP firing squad already.
Greta ask Karl Rove about it, the other day. Rove said that it was very illegal.
Its clear that somebody is lying here, its either Sestak or the regime. Neither party is above the idea of promoting a falsehood for their own benefit. The idea that Sestak might have made this up is certainly a possibility.
But listening to Gibbs, I’d say its more likely that Sestak is telling the truth and just inadvertantly let the cat out of the bag.
I guess someone in Colorado is saying they got a call like that too. Asking them to step aside for the democrat incumbent and they’d be given a job in the administration. If this came from the WH, heads will roll! But it will be swept under the rug because who wants Dimbulb Biden or Nazi Pelooser as President? They’d be worse.
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” How right you are Rahm!
This is really beginning to light up!! So much swirming, sweating and ummmmms…..So glad I bought a box of Orville Redenbachers to munch on….
Lynn, thanks so much for adding that information about Colorado. Great to see you Lynn.
Mr.Happy, haha yep ole Rahm sure let us know a lot when he said that.
Jan, hahahaha good one. Passing the popcorn to you heh heh