03 Apr

Fox’s Megyn Kelly vs. Nut Case Code Pink Founder Over Rove Heckling


Wild Thing’s comment……..
It is one thing not to agree with Karl Rove or the Bush Adminstration, but this was a event for 500 people that wanted to hear about the book Karl wrote .
This woman and her Code Pink groups have given money to the terrorists, there was that check they delivered to the terrorists in Iraq for $600,000 and they have done other things to aid the enemy. I HATE that she even has a voice in the media to get her agenda out but to take that away would be we would not have our voice. I HATE that our troops are fighting to protect her freedom just as I hated that our Veterans had to put up with Hanoi Jane and John Kerry etc. If it was a perfect world these people that think like this woman does would be exempted from protection.

Mark says:

This woman makes Maxine Waters look like a genius. They have their own interpretation of what the events are/were and in there fantasy world this is how it is.
If she believes in the ‘Rule of Law’ so strongly why isn’t she in Washington trying to arrest members of congress and obama ? Everyone of them have broken every law of the Constitution in 14 months, but thats not what she is about, attention and self-agrandization is her sticht.

BobF says:

It always gets back to the money. She makes mention about those who were killed and the woman whose nephew was killed in the way but it always goes back to the money spent. Money spent on the military means less money to spend on entitlement programs.

TomR says:

She’s a publicity seeker. Her disruptive methods and rhetoric are childish and silly, but she does get the publicity she wants. What she doesn’t understand is that the vast majority of Americans including those on the Left consider her the fruitcake she is.

Sean says:

Having had a personal experience with a member of this wonderful organization. I can tell you that there is absolutly no way rational thinking enters in to any conversation.
Their tactic is the old Left Wing standard, Keep talking and attempt to shout you down. Forget any reasonable argument or basis for your claims. Just keep on talking.

Greg says:

Have you ever been arrested? Oh many times. Case closed you fricken nutcase.