Pelosi: ‘I Never Stop Whipping … My Life Is a Constant Whip Operation’
Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL hahahahah I have a visual, and it’s not pretty. Nutty Nan with a whip and Harry (weasel) Reid…I think I need therapy now…LOL
The idiocy of this woman is as insufferable and insulting to the intelligence as her monumental arrogance.
The twit isn’t content with destroying CA but wants the entire nation just as bankrupt.
Let’s make the best of today, Happy St’ Patrick’s Day
Amen Jack, as the saying goes, ‘Live for today Tomorrow is promised to no one.’
Also, I’m sure she is very familar with Leather and Whips. She couldn’t get her husband into bed with out a .45.
These democrat Witches are so gawd awful ugly, even Clinton would be chased away.
At least she truly represents the S&M crowd from her district.
I’m glad you posted this. This morning on the news I thought she said “My life is a constant lip operation” and “I never stop lipping”.
Jack that is great thank you. What a cute kitty. I love it.
Mark, LOL good one.
Avitar, hahahahhaa yes
Steve, LOL so funny. She is so horrible.