11 Mar

Anti-War Rep. Patrick Kennedy Yells: ‘Despicable’ That Press Focuses On Massa Instead Of Afghanistan

The Rhode Island Democrat, who recently announced he won’t seek re-election, lashed out at the press coverage during debate of a measure calling for the end of the war in Afghanistan.

Rep. Patrick Kennedy Yells: ‘Despicable’ That Press Focuses On Massa Instead Of Afghanistan

Wild Thing’s comment…….
He sure is Wee Wee’d Up about the U.S. military kicking the asses of his muzzie pals.
Congressman Patrick Kennedy, recently announced in the wake of his father’s death, he will not run for re-election to Congress. BUT his poll numbers were so low he knew or knows he could not win.

Jack says:

I was in tears from laughing so hard at that asshole. Did I say asshole? Yes I did.
Does this mean that 1. the Media has changed? 2. That the Kennedy’s are no longer significant? That was a pretty good imitation of your mentor, Hugo Chavez, there Ratprick!!!

Wild Thing says:

Jack, me too, I was laughing too. I thought he might even burst a vein in his stupid head while he was screaming. heh heh