09 Mar

David Axelrod: “I don’t give a flying…”


Axelrod: ‘I don’t give a flying…’
Capitol Hill BLue
David Axelrod, Obama’s image manager, says he doesn’t give a “flying fuck” what critics say about the White House and its failures but while Axelrod puts forward a defiant face, others say the level of concern is rising over the administration’s failure to stay on message.

“The Obama White House has lost the narrative in the way that the Obama campaign never did,” Brown University political scientist James Morone told The New York Times in a recent interview. “They essentially took the president’s great strength as a messenger and failed to use it smartly.”

Some inside the West Wing point the finger of blame at Axelrod, once hailed as Obama’s guru, a Democratic Karl Rove. Tensions have risen between Axelrod and chief of staff Rahm Emanuel although both deny it publicly.

The problems of the Obama administration highlight the dramatic differences between campaigning and governing and provide fodder to critics who say Obama was not ready for the top job in American politics.


Wild Thing’s comment…….
What an upstanding group of people in OUR White House. I can hardly wait for them to get OUT!

TomR says:

obama’s inner group are a bunch of radical egocentrics like obama himself. This presidency is weakening and any infighting could destroy it. obama may have to toss a few of them into the crowd under his bus.

Eddie (Enemy of the State) says:

Watching the destruction of Yoobumbas cabal from within is great theatre.

Mark says:

Well there’s proof this white house hasn’t a clue about what they are doing. The tension just exacerbates but they got a bunch of experienced masters there.