07 Mar

The LEFT Brings On Indoctrination and Brainwashing of Children

Remember this from last year…….
A public school teacher was around to indoctrinate – I mean, to um, teach one of the students in her class whose father is a soldier and deployed why it was wrong in the teachers opinion to vote for McCain instead of Obama.
Unforgivable to do this as a teacher to this child!!!

‘Hate’ laws could label 5-year-olds ‘offenders’
Government procedures demand paperwork on playground spats
British Christian organization reports children as young as 5 years old soon could have their names added to “hate registers” of people accused of showing disrespect to homosexuality in violation of “hate crimes” laws.
According to the Christian Institute, a nondenominational charity committed to upholding the truths of the Bible, already a 10-year-old child was added to the registry after he called a friend a “gay boy.”
The case was reported by the London Daily Mail, which said teachers are being ordered to write up even minor incidents as “serious bullying” and add them to a database that will follow a student through a school career.
The report confirmed that when small children use “homophobic” or racist words without knowing what they mean, they still must be written up.
The parents of the 10-year-old, Peter Drury, a student in Somerset, were told his name would be registered as an offender, according to the paper.
The report said an assessment from a civil liberties think tank estimated 40,000 children have such accusations, mostly involving alleged racism, added to their school records annually.
Further, government officials are considering rules that also would require education officials to report incidents to local authorities.

“This is totally appalling,” Margaret Morrissey, founder of the campaign group Parents Outloud, told the London paper. “The use of such language is part of the learning process. Children need to learn where the boundaries lie. And I very much doubt they understand what they are saying.”

Drury’s mother, Penny Drury, 43, reported she was summoned to her son’s elementary school recently when he was accused of using “homophobic” language, the newspaper said. She was informed he would be registered, his behavior watched and his records monitored.

“He must have picked up the word from somewhere and thought it to mean stupid,” she said.

Parents and educators in the U.K. agree the slang use of the word “gay” for children means “inferior.”
The Christian Institute reported Penny Drury commented, “He doesn’t even understand about the birds and the bees, so how can he be homophobic?”
The government has explained its goals are to prevent “gender bullying.”
Also there is the toward “hate crimes” plans in the United States similar to those in the U.K. The law ultimately was enacted under President Obama’s direction last year.
A campaign recently was launched in Montgomery County, Md., to classify the speech of advocates for people who choose to leave the homosexual lifestyle as “hate speech,” which then could be banned under Obama’s law.

Hate speech is unwelcome in Montgomery County Public Schools,” said an e-mail to the offices of Regina Griggs, national director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays, known as PFOX. “I would like to ask that you immediately cease distribution of your flyers at our public schools.

“We intend to pursue every method possible to protest your actions if you choose to continue,” the message warned.

The conflict was sparked by competing flyers distributed to public school students, one from PFOX, which reaches out to all those leaving the homosexual lifestyle regardless of religious affiliation, and the other from the homosexual-rights group PFLAG, or Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.

Richard Thompson, president of the Thomas More Law Center, said at the time the lawsuit over the “hate crimes” law was filed, “There is no legitimate law enforcement need for this federal law. Of the 1.38 million violent crimes reported in the U.S. by the FBI in 2008, only 243 were considered as motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation. Moreover, [Attorney General] Eric Holder himself testified at a Senate hearing that the states are doing a fine job in this area.”

He called it a “political payoff” to homosexual advocacy groups for support of Obama in the last presidential election.

“The sole purpose of this law is to criminalize the Bible and use the threat of federal prosecutions and long jail sentences to silence Christians from expressing their biblically-based religious belief that homosexual conduct is a sin. It elevates those persons who engage in deviant sexual behaviors, including pedophiles, to a special protected class of persons as a matter of federal law and policy,” Thompson said at the time.

The Hate Crimes Act was dubbed by its critics as the “Pedophile Protection Act,” after an amendment to explicitly prohibit pedophiles from being protected by the act was defeated by majority Democrats. During congressional debate, supporters argued that all “philias,” or alternative sexual lifestyles, should be protected.
Obama boasted of the “hate crimes” bill when he signed it into law.

“After more than a decade, we’ve passed inclusive hate-crimes legislation to help protect our citizens from violence based on what they look like, who they love, how they pray or who they are,” he said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Government schools are becoming more and more dangerous. The demonic insanity is growing and spreading.
I remember back when Obama signed the bill about this. I posted about it on here and we discussed it. How truly horrible it was. The Republicans fought it big time and the dems said they were more concerned for the rights of child molesters and rapists and would not listen to the Republicans about their reasoning at all. There were shockiing vidoes of Democrats saying how they were all for this horrible bill.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Anonymous says:

Thinking “bad thoughts” can be bad for you (and they’ll make it bad for you, for “your own good” too). Registered leftists, not guns.

TomR says:

Poor kids. Forced political correctness at such an early age. I know a number of people who homeschool their kids. Several others send their children to parochial or private schools even if they can barely afford it. These kids all do well and seem to be well rounded individuals.
I know some public school kids who also seem to do well and a few whose educational skills are below their grade level. One child was sent back to repeat a grade(4th or 5th?). Another attended after school special classes.
I live in a suburb that consistently votes very conservatively. I think our school district reflects that and I hope we don’t have teachers like the one in the video.

Mark says:

Thats exactly what it is Pedophile protection act. I can’t believe how anybody voted for this POS legislation. It also says volumes about what kind of man he really is for signing it.

Wild Thing says:

Anonymous, good one, thanks.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, you live in a place like we do. Heavy conservative population, it sure makes a difference. We really apppreciate it too.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, every word you said I agree with. He IS a POS andf that is even a compliment on how strongly I can’t stand Obama.