“Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good.”
Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid taking to the Senate Floor to clarify his comments this morning on the U.S. Unemployment numbers.
Reid slammed those who criticized his use of the words, “only 36,000 people lost their jobs today,” by saying his comments had been “mischaracterized.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Reid is a a buffoon would think this is good news. What a jerk!
What an excellent winning campaign commercial this will make for his opposition.
Harry is going to lose his job pretty soon, too, and then he’ll be beating his wife.
Harry Reid is almost as foolish with his mouth as Joe Biden. Here’s hoping that Nevada picks a new senator in November.
Rhod,LOL good one! hahahahahaha
Tom, yes haha they are very similar.
Zip Tie, Nuts, Pull and wait for the scream! Lousy, no good piece of shit.