28 Feb

John Kerry And The Democrat’s Disgusting Donation Plea

John Kerry’s way to get your $5 for the DSCC: Disgusting
Cafe Press Canada
From: “Sen. John Kerry” info@dscc.org
Date: February 27, 2010 1:14:02 PM GMT-05:00
To: judi@canadafreepress.com
Subject: Disgusted
Reply-To: info@dscc.org
Dear Friend,
It disgusts me every time I see it. As Democrats work with President Obama to dig us out of a deep hole and build our country up, right-wing Republicans have an entirely different goal: Force his failure. Then retake political power.
Even if they’ve supported it in the past, now if it’s part of our president’s agenda, Republicans are dead-set against it. They figure if they kill a few more bills, it’s smooth sailing in November. Democrats will fall, and President Obama will fail. That, in a nutshell, is the Republican plan. We’ve seen it before – remember how they tried to break President Bill Clinton?
Now, it’s our turn to say “no.”
Republicans are counting on big, big corporate money thanks to the conservative Supreme Court’s decision. Democrats are depending on you. The DSCC needs your help to raise $71,074 by tomorrow’s FEC deadline. Every dollar you give will help even out the playing field for our candidates. Their success helps ensure President Obama’s – and America’s – success.
Click here to donate $5 or more to the DSCC. It must raise $71,074 by midnight tomorrow. Every dollar will help fight Republican lies.
I know very well what happens when Republicans get their shadowy outside assistance to spread their smears. And they’ll have plenty of help this time. With the right-wing fringe screaming about “death panels” and “socialism,” and corporate cronies allowed to spend an unlimited amount of money in support of candidates thanks to the Citizens United ruling, Democrats must be ready to fight. When they attack, we must immediately punch back.
That takes resources. We have great candidates, superb grassroots supporters and loads of experience in getting Democrats elected. But if the DSCC doesn’t meet each and every fundraising goal, none of that will matter. Our message will be lost in their blizzard of falsehoods, and President Obama will pay the price.
Click here to donate $5 or more to the DSCC. It must raise $71,074 by midnight tomorrow. Every dollar will help fight Republican lies.
The Republicans have a plan. But the Republicans didn’t plan on this: We worked too hard to let them destroy President Obama. He’s our president. His goals are our goals. And we couldn’t be more proud of the job he’s doing.
They’re coming after him. But they have to get through us first.
Sen. John Kerry

Wild Thing’s comment…….
LOL how funny the begging they do. And they think John Kerry has an impression on any Dems that live outside his State. I doubt he has much pull at all across our country.
Beg away all you want, what will be will be in November.

….Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
United States Army
Army Combat Engineers
Quang Tri & Chu Lai ’68 -’69
Jack’s blog is Conservative Insurgent

TomR says:

Money raising by both parties is horrible. They both gear their fund raising to the level of third graders, usually with a short ridiculous survey. All the crap I get from the RNC goes straight in the trash. It particularly angers me when the envelope is disguised as something other than a fund raiser.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, you said that so great. I agree Tom, I am so sick of the survey’s they send in snail mail.