18 Feb

Charles Krauthammer Says More Americans Believe Elvis Is Alive than Believe Obama’s Stimulus Worked

Charles Krauthammer saying that the amount of Americans who believe Obama’s stimulus plan worked is “neck and neck” to the amount of Americans who believe Elvis is alive.

Krauthammer said, “6% believe it worked, 7% of Americans believe Elvis is alive, so it’s neck and neck in those two beliefs.”


Wild Thing’s comment………
LOL I love how he puts things.

TomR says:

Another good talk by Krauthammer.
Yesterday there was a blurb on the local news. Seems like Dallas got some stimulus money for public transportation and Ft Worth got none. Unfair? Yes! But, there should ot have been a massive stimulus expenditure in the first place. Let the market correct itsself. Political intervention(thanks to Dodd and Fwank) was the root cause of the recession. Get the government out of the market.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, good point and I agree so much with you.