FOX news
Michelle Berry runs a day-care business out of her home in Flint, MI. She thought that she owned her own business, but Berry’s been told she is now a government employee and union member. It’s not voluntary. Suddenly, Berry and 40,000 other Michigan private day-care providers have learned that union dues are being taken out of the child-care subsidies the state sends them. The “union” is a creation of AFSCME, the government workers union, and the United Auto Workers.
This racket means big money to AFSCME, which runs the union, writes the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a free-market think tank.
Today the Department of Human Services siphons about $3.7 million in annual dues to the union….
The money should be going to home-based day-care providers — themselves not on the high end of the income scale. Ms. Berry now sees money once paid to her go to a union that does little for her…
Patrick Wright, a lawyer for the Macknac Center, says the union was forced on the women after a certification election conducted by mail in which only 6,000 day-care providers out of 40,000 voted. Wright told me his clients, like Berry, say they were “shocked” to learn they were suddenly in a union.
They want nothing to do with the union. One of my clients has said, “Look, this is my home, I’m both labor and management here.” They’ve wanted nothing to do with this union and don’t think that it has any purpose besides than to siphon money away from them.
Michigan isn’t the only state funding unions this way.
Fourteen states have now enabled home-based day-care providers to be organized into public-employee unions, affecting about 233,000 people.
Mackinac sued Michigan on behalf of the day-care owners, but the case was dismissed. They have appealed. Neither Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, the Department of Human Services, nor the union would talk to me about this. Last month, Michigan Rep. Justin Amash proposed a law that would end “stealth” unionization of private entrepreneurs.
Wild Thing’s comment………..
As I read this I got chills whrn I read this…because I immediately realized that when you elect a “community organizer” who is steeped in ruthless Alinsky tactics to the Presidency of the United States, what you’ve REALLY elected is a Union Boss From Hell and THIS particular one (as is characteristic of Union bosses) is in the process of plundering the Kingdom (ours AND the World’s) at will!
As Big Labor becomes more and more desperate to force unionization on small businesses, they will say and do anything in an effort to achieve that end.
The government and the union have merged.
Welcome to Fascism.
Obama believes everyone should be forced into a union, his nominee for NLRB says it can be done without a new law.
….Thank you Richard for sending this to me.
I was in a job once that suddenly went union. I refused to join and was forced from my job. My few experiences with unions are all bad eperiences.
Now the govt is siding with the unions and forcing membership on self employed people. The govt can do that because these day care owners are receiving federal subsidies.
Today, especially in the Trades, Young kids are taken off the street and brainwashed into the Socialism of Unions, only after they are re-educated are they allowed to learn the trade they thought they were signing up for in the first place.
Andy Stern of SEIU, Obama’s favorite Union thug, has said more than once, we use the power of persuasion and if that doesn’t work we use persuasion by power, this is where the baseball bats come in. These people are dirty right from the getgo.
Once again I remind everyone that in German NAZI is Patrotic Socialist Labor Union Party. Just because we in the United States have had a few Labor Unions where the membership held the leaders to a high standard of conduct does not mean that the conduct will ever come naturally.
Tom, thanks for sharing about that. I agree, I have zero respect for unions. Too many really bad stories about them from lots of people.
Mark, they sure are!!
“These people are dirty right from the getgo.”
Avitar, very true.