10 Feb

Veteran Congressman’s Death Adds to Barack Obama’s Woes

Murtha’s ABSCAM video

Veteran congressman’s death adds to Barack Obama’s woes
• Democrats fear Republicans will win seat held since 1974
• President’s poll ratings fall further amid health care impasse
The Democratic party faces another election test after the death yesterday of John Murtha, a congressman dubbed by his colleagues the “king of pork”.
The Democratic party faces another election test after the death yesterday of John Murtha, a congressman dubbed by his colleagues the “king of pork”.
Murtha, aged 77, had been in the House of Representatives since being elected to his Pennsylvania district in 1974.
The fear in the party is that Republicans will notch up another victory when a special election is held, probably May.
The Democrats have been panicking since losing Ted Kennedy’s Massachusetts Senate seat to the Republicans last month.
Murtha’s nickname referred to so-called pork barrel politics – bringing government spending to bear in a representative’s own district.
His death came on a day that saw Barack Obama’s poll ratings fall further. A Marist poll found that only 44% of voters surveyed approved of his job performance, down 2% on December. More alarming for Democratic strategists, 57% of independents disapprove of his performance.
Murtha’s death will have a neglible impact on the arithmetic of the House, where the Democrats have an overwhelming majority, unlike in the Senate. But another defeat in the spring would add to the sense of panic among Democrats in the run-up to the Congressional mid-term elections in November.
~ snipet ~
One of the reasons for the turnaround in Democratic fortunes is opposition to Barack Obama’s health reform plan.


Wild Thing’s comment…….
Obama has to replace one treasonous jack-ass with another one.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

TomR says:

Murtha got by on the Abscam fiasco. You can bet he spent the following years doing shady deal after shady deal. Now I wonder if the people in his district will go for another porker or a conservative. There was a good conservative that ran a tight rce with Murtha. Maybe he will rise up again on the May electon ballot.

Eddie (Enemy of the State) says:

One thing I’ve noticed is that there hasn’t been much sympathy shown towards the phoney ex-Marine. To me, thats a very good sign.

Mark says:

As far as I’m concerned Murtha’s been Dishonorably Discharged and lost all rights to being a Former Marine. We gave him a 10 dollars suit and escorted him to the front gate and kicked his ass out of the Corps.
But I digress.
I think the 14th district, the scumbags district, will elect a Republican. There was a Soldier, who ran the last time( he was doing well too) but people told him they were afraid to support him because of threats from the Scumbag’s machine. This time should be different. He bullied his district, he controlled the jobs and that was the first thing he threatened. Talk about communism, this is it.
Murtha told the Press, his district probably wouldn’t support obama because they were a bunch of red neck biggots, yessiree, change has come. Payback time.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I knwo what you mean, and I sure hope those in his area make a big change now that they have this opportunity.
Eddie, I noticed that too, apparently there is no love for Murtha even from the left.
Mark, thank you so much for the input about that area. Your right about it being communism.