03 Feb

Dem Panic! Anti-Tea-Party Ads Tied to Obama Eligibility

Dem panic! Anti-tea-party ads tied to Obama eligibility
Campaign seeks to convince voters: ‘This movement is a fad’
A major ad campaign sweeping the Internet is revealing who is most afraid of the spirited tea-party movement this election year.
Democrat operatives – using the same suite address for an attorney who represented the Democratic National Committee in an eligibility lawsuit against President Obama – have launched an ad campaign and website called TheTeaPartyIsOver.org to “prevent the tea party’s dangerous ideas from gaining legislative traction.”
Video at their website
In the wake of Scott Brown’s dramatic victory for the U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts, the energized national tea-party movement is targeting lawmakers deemed unresponsive to Americans. The anti-tea party website comes as Illinois will have its first-in-the-nation primaries Tuesday.

“Our strategy is simple. This movement is a fad,” the website states. “Some of their ideas include the belief that programs like Social Security and Medicare are socialistic and should never have been created in the first place and that President Obama is a socialist.”

The group’s ad, paid for and approved by the American Public Policy Committee, has appeared on numerous websites. It urges Americans to “reject the ideas of the tea party.”

“Other ideas include undermining the legitimacy of the federal government in favor of a radical rightwing form of state’s rights,” the website continues. “We need to prevent their dangerous ideas from gaining a legislative foothold. So our strategy is to spread the truth about their dangerous ideas and prevent their policies from taking root in America.”

Ads have also appeared on Facebook and Twitter, where the group asks tweeters, “Scared of the teabaggers’ crazy ideas?” and encourages them to visit the website.

The American Public Policy Committee shares an identical suite address with the Alliance for North Carolina; the Patriot Majority; and Sandler, Reiff & Young PC – the law firm of Joseph Sandler, general counsel to the Democratic National Committee who filed a motion to dismiss Philip Berg’s eligibility lawsuit against Obama and the DNC. Sandler is also former counsel to both MoveOn.org and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim group named an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorist-finance case in U.S. history.
The following are brief biographies for each of the American Public Policy Committee’s directors:
Craig Varoga – Independent Strategies political strategist and campaign manager for former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack’s campaign for president. He ran the state-research program for the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election and is a former communications director for Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. He is founder of the Patriot Majority and its affiliates: Patriot Majority West, Patriot Majority Midwest, Patriot Majority New Mexico and Patriot Majority for a Strong America. Patriot Majority and Patriot Majority West are the major 2010 contributors to the American Public Policy Committee. Varoga was a guest at a White House event in July 2009.
George Rakis – Political strategist who works for Independent Strategies. He served as political director of Democratic Governor’s Association from 2005 to 2006. He was campaign director for the Michigan Democratic Party. In 2004, Rakis became the regional political director for the Democratic National Committee.
Steve Bouchard – Political strategist who runs Bouchard Strategies and has worked for Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.; Gov. Ted Strickland, D-Ohio; former Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla.; former Sen. Bob Kerrey, D-Neb.; and then-Sen. Hillary Clinton. Bouchard served as senior political adviser Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., ran Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in South Carolina and also worked as a campaign manager for Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection/Repower America campaign.
TheTeaPartyIsOver.org specifically attacks Randy Hultgren, a Republican Illinois state senator and candidate for U.S. Congress from the 14th District; Arie Friedman, former military pilot and combat veteran of Desert Storm running for U.S. Congress in Illinois’ 10th District; and David McAloon, television producer and business consultant running for U.S. Congress in Illinois’ 11th District. It provides telephone numbers and tells visitors to call Hultgren, Friedman and McAloon and tell then to “reject the dangerous ideas of the Tea Party.”
TheTeaPartyIsOver.org has connections to numerous unions, including the Service Employees International Union, or SEIU, and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, or AFSCME, a major public-employee and health-care union.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Only a liberal would think asking a presidential candidate to prove they are American-born is a “dangerous idea”.
“Our strategy is simple. This movement is a fad,” the website states. “Some of their ideas include the belief that programs like Social Security and Medicare are socialistic and should never have been created in the first place and that President Obama is a socialist.”
All of you idiots who think that the tea party movement is a fad, keep telling yourself that for another 10 months. You will be amazed at how big of a FAD it was on November 3rd
Obama is a communist, he proves it everyday through his policies and those he surrounds himself with, some of whom are avowed commies and Mao worshipers. The fact that they are attempting to isolate and demonize those who are pointing this out means the attacks are having an effect.
I think they are making a big mistake but, let them make it. Resistance only strengths our resolve, the movement will grow. Look at it this way, we are the flowers and they are the fertilizer.

We The People!!!!


….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

TomR says:

The Democrats are terrified of the Tea Partys. Democrats have a history of gathering together in groups to support or protest something. Usually union organized and controlled. Now the conservatives do the same thing and the Democrats can’t stand it. They panic at the sight of Tea Partiers protesting government power. There will be many more Tea Partys before November elections, so Democrats had better hold onto their hats.

Lynn says:

What dangerous ideas? That we want smaller government, no government run healthcare, that we can take care of ourselves? Don’t see anything dangerous there. They are panicking and these libs love to lie about it. And I love how they call us inbred rednecks, not knowing many of us have Mensa level IQs and advanced college degrees. We’ve just been around the block more and seen more of the world and we know what we like and don’t like at this point in our lives.

Mark says:

Exactly, Lynn what dangerous ideas ?
We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal…
Or Congress shall make no laws…taking rights away without first due process ?
The Tea partyers believe in this country and what it stands for and will fight for those rights.
They can keep their revolutionaries I will stick with the origianals, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, Washington.
With the democrats getting scared, don’t be surprised if the next one is attacked by these obamabots.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, LOL good one. Yes the left is freaking out at the power of we the people when we set our mind to something and really speak out big time.
Lynn, exactly….dangerous ideas like what. hahaa they sure love to hate on the left.
Mark, DITTO all you said. Our side loves our country and we see it being attacked from within.