Democrat D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton saying Sunday that in the event Republican Scott Brown is elected tomorrow, “we don’ owe the people of Massachusetts to wait” until their new Senator arrives to vote on Health Care Reform.
Norton said “we don’t have to wait “for somebody to come and kill it.” Scott Brown has said he would be the 41st vote against Government Health Care in the U.S. Senate, which would destroy the Democrats’ 60-vote majority that enables them to invoke cloture.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Norton admits that the American people do not know what is in the bill, but we should just shut up.
Maybe he should shut up. The dems are so hell bent on destroying America that they have blinded themselves to the needs of the people. We don’t need to pay trillions of dollars in taxes for a healthcare plan no one wants or really even needs. This hopey-changey thingie isn’t working too good.
Spoken like the Communist she is!!!
No Eleanor, the people will NOT like the healthcare bill when they see it all. It is all about govt control of our lives.
Love how she talks out of both sides of her mouth at once. We should respect the democratic process so we don’t owe the people of Massachusetts to wait for the new guy to show up. Say what? And, while admitting no one knows what’s in the bill but they’ll like it when they do… so they should’t wait for the new guy either. Damn, does talk about killing puppies and kittens while smiling like that, too? Eww!
Not to worry Voinivich is trying to solve that problem for the democrats. He’s meeting with the devil to make a deal to be the 60th vote. This son of a bitch sucked as Mayor of Cleveland, sucked as Governor and has done nothing as a Senator.
GREAT comments, thank you so mucch.