Democrats launch counterattack to save Harry Reid’s career
Democrats are preparing to throw the race card back in the laps of Republicans as part of a counterattack designed to help save Harry Reid’s political career.
First, Reid’s allies plan to distribute the NAACP vote ratings of Republican senators who have scolded him. The data will be made available to editorial boards, cable programs and the blogosphere — including votes on minimum wage, community-oriented policing, education funding and HIV/AIDS programs.
Separately, the Congressional Black Caucus plans to issue a new statement Monday, defending Reid and brushing back Republicans.
These moves to turn the race issue back onto Republicans is risky, yet it shows how Reid and his allies are ready to pull out all the stops to help the majority leader recover from his disastrous comments about Barack Obama being “light-skinned” and having no “Negro dialect.”The comments were revealed in the book “Game Change” by journalists John Heilemann and Mark Halperin.
“There are some Republicans who are trying to use this for political advantage,” said a source close to the Reid camp. “If Senators [Jon] Kyl, [John] Cornyn and others want to have an open and honest debate about race — and if they want to discuss their records on issues of importance to the African-American community — we welcome that dialogue. But we are not going to stand idly by while hypocritical Republicans take swipes at Senator Reid, distorting his record of achievement and their own record of failure.”
Go for it Democrats, YOU are the party of racists. ~ Wild Thing
Hillary Clinton: 2004 “Mahatma Gandhi ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years”
Hillary: “If you look at the way the House of Rep. has been run, it has been run like a plantation, and you know what I’m talking about” (at 1:31)
Robert Byrd on Foxnews Sunday: “There are white ni**ers, I have seen alot of white ni**ers in my time” (at 1:13)
Wild Thing’s comment…….
The Democrats fully accept their own behaving badly in the race department and they will never punish any of their own for making any missteps here.
Democrats Motto: We don’t mind if you’re a racist as long as you vote the way we want you to, and if you’re a socialist, you can do no wrong.
Harry Reid on Trent Lott: “I think what he said is not good for America; it’s repugnant…” -Las Vegas Review-Journal, (12-02)
Reid…in 2002 agreed with former Sen. Trent Lott’s (R-Miss.) decision to resign his leadership role after Lott made what some felt were racist remarks at former Sen. Strom Thurmond’s 100th birthday party.
“He had no alternative,” said Reid at the time claiming, “If you tell ethnic jokes in the backroom, it’s that much easier to say ethnic things publicly. I’ve always practiced how I play.”
“He had no alternative”
“Senator Lott dug himself a hole and he didn’t dig it all in one setting. He dug it over the years. And he couldn’t figure out a way to get out of it.”
In 2002, Harry Reid said:
“The Republican Party itself has to drive out Trent Lott. If they have to stand for something, they have to stand up and say this is not the person we want representing our party.”
– and –
Illinois Senator Barack Obama (C-13th), challenged the Republican Party to repudiate Lott’s remarks and to call for his resignation as senate leader.
“It seems to be that we can forgive a 100-year-old senator for some of the indiscretion of his youth, but, what is more difficult to forgive is the current president of the U.S. Senate (Lott) suggesting we had been better off if we had followed a segregationist path in this country after all of the battles and fights for civil rights and all the work that we still have to do,” said Obama.
One thing we learned for sure about Obama is the words that come out of his mouth aren’t the things he believes. He has no standards, honor, or integrity.
Where Trent Lott messed up was praising a Democrat. That’s what happens when Republicans heap praise on Democrats and their beliefs. At one time Storm Thurmond was a Democrat, a Segregationist Democrat and what Lott did was honor him for that time in his life. You never hear the Democrats mention that Thurmond was a Segregationist when he was a Democrat and Democrats were the ones who believed in segregation.
…and just what does “always on the right side of history…” mean? nothing. nada. empty words to fill the vacuum of nothingness. just like everything else that jerk spews.
As I recall, we fought a Civil War to free the slaves. Also if my recollection is correct, the Republicans were instrumental in getting civil rights laws passed while LBJ was the MFIC while the dumbos took a pass. So now here we are and the blacks believe it is the Republicans who are their enemy. OK that said, take a look at the entire continent of Africa. Is Africa a land of people with any brains? You know the answer and it is reflected in the black community here in America. Once ignorant always ignorant.
Communists always give fellow Communists a pass on civil rights violations. How many Communist leaders have been brought to justice for their crimes against humanity in the world court or for that matter in the court of world opinion? (but they look just like us, don’t they? Miz Pelosi:] :]) McCain knows!!!
1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
The most blatantly racist group in America, the Congressional Black Caucus…every member of which is violating their oath to the US Constitution by belonging to this race-based organization whose purpose is to promote one race over all others.
All members of this caucus should be expelled from Congress.
They’re so quick to point out that Strom thurmand was a racists. What they fail to point out Strom was a Democrat. At that time, 1948, they were fed up with the deomcrat party and Truman and decided to strike out on their own, hence, created the Dixiecrat Party. They had a 9 point platform. the one point in question was, point no.4:
We stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of each race; the constitutional right to choose one’s associates; to accept private employment without governmental interference, and to earn one’s living in any lawful way. We oppose the elimination of segregation, the repeal of miscegenation statutes; the control of private employment by Federal bureaucrats called for the misnamed civil Rights program; We favor home rule, local self government and a minimum interference with individual rights.
Trent Lott said, he thought the country may have been better off had Thurman won in ’48. That was the extent of Lotts comment on that issue.
This was the accepted view by the democrats in 1948. If this was such an objectional view why didn’t Truman incorporate in the Democrat Platform Civil Rights.
They never mention that or why they didn’t. The other points of their platform were about States Rights and upholding the Constitution.
It wasn’t until Eisenhower was President that Civil Rights started to move forward. Brown v. Board of Education and the 101st Air Borne sent into Arkansas. A Republican.
The party of racists is the democrat party…Still.
If it wasn’t true, then why did LBJ comment after signing the ’65 Civil Rights legislation,” I fear all I have done is given the South to the Republicans”.
The Democrats publically push hard for civil rights. But all too often in their speeches and interviews their racism is shown. They very vocally back minorities, especially Blacks, in their promotion of various bills. Many of the bills are disguised wealth distribution. All of the bills are designed to keep minorities under the influence of government.
Yes, the Cogressional Black Caucus is Marxist and racist. Very.
I love you all so much. What great input about this. Thank you so much.
PS: Dirty Harry is kaput come November and has already began writing his memoirs and with your photo, the perfect name for his book would be MEIN KOOK…
We stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of each race; the constitutional right to choose one’s associates; to accept private employment without governmental interference, and to earn one’s living in any lawful way. We oppose the elimination of segregation, the repeal of miscegenation statutes; the control of private employment by Federal bureaucrats called for the misnamed civil Rights program; We favor home rule, local self government and a minimum interference with individual rights.