Franken Reels After Thune Question on Senate Floor
(Franken starts speaking at 2:50 on the video)
Liberal blogs are buzzing about Al Franken’s performance on the U.S. Senate floor, claiming that he “destroyed” Republican Sen. John Thune’s contention that the Senate health bill triggers taxes before significant benefits.
But the video shows a different story.
During Franken’s Senate floor speech, the Minnesota Democrat appears to be rambling, confused and shocked when Thune interrupts him to “yield for a question.”
Franken agrees to Thune’s request and seems befuddled about Thune’s point: The Democratic plan kicks in significant taxes almost immediately, with MOST of the Democratic healthcare plan “benefits” starting after 2013.
Franken’s performance was so dismal that the acting president of the Senate had to interrupt his rambling to remind him that he actually held the Senate floor.
Other Democratic senators clearly wanted to assist the blustering Franken, with Ohio Democrat Sherrod Brown leading the charge. Brown deflected Thune’s critical point to discuss Medicare.
The Franken performance suggests that “Saturday Night Live” finally has found its way on to the U.S. Senate floor.
Al Franken took the unusual step Thursday of shutting down Sen. Joe Lieberman on the Senate floor.
Al Franken objecting to letting Lieberman speak for an additional minute to finish his thoughts.
Lieberman was giving a ten-minute speech on health care reform. Franken, who was presiding over the Senate, cut him off when his ten minutes were up. When Lieberman requested unanimous consent for an extra few minutes to finish his speech, Franken a senator from Minnesota, objected.
After a brief moment of tension, Lieberman laughed and said he didn’t take it personally, and requested that the rest of his speech be put in the record. Then McCain took the floor….
John Mccain backed up Lieberman and said “I’ve been around here for 20 some years, first time I’ve ever seen a member denied an extra minute or two to finish their remarks, and I must say that I don’t know what’s happening here in this body but I think it’s wrong…I’ve never seen a member denied an extra minute or so, as the chair just did.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Franken…just like ALL the Rabid Rats, are the MOST OBNOXIOUS, RUDE, DISGUSTING people in the country.
Franken does not know his head from his glutes and he presided over the senate?
I am living a twilight zone.
Someone wake me up.
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Franken is out of his league. What a joke Minnesota is for electing him.
oh dear – that is just too embarrassing. Unfortunately, embarrassing has become more and more prevalent in this “august body”. *spit*
When Al Franken, attacked Thune, He tried to shut him up with lies. According to Durbin nobody has been allowed to read the bill but here is Franken stating as fact, things he knows not to be true. But a good line of Shullbit is what makes a good democrat.
What a CLUSTER. Really, I USED to have some respect for the ya der hay Min’sootans, but OBVIOUSLY all those year freezing their asses off has indeed frozen all common facking sense. I pray they realize what a mockery they’ve created and make Franken and his diaper a one and done……
Al Franken came straight from central casting as a pure Marxist shitstain. He is so full of himself now that I expect his head to explode.
Great input thank you all so much.
“Al Franken came straight from central casting as a pure Marxist shitstain”… you you put that Tom.