13 Dec

“Obama, stop lying to the American people!”

“Our economy is growing again,” says President Obama. President Obama, stop lying to the American people! The American dollar is failing! The economy is failing! They want to replace the U.S. currency with another kind of currency.

Wild Thing’s commnet…….
She should send this video to Obama. I wonder if she voted for Obama?

Mark says:

Thats refreshing one of his drones is off the reservation.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

GOP Represenative Joe Wilson called it RIGHT when he said, “YOU LIE!” Lies… Lies… Spin…
Bull Sh*t… and more LIES! Obowmao is THE LYING KING, big time.

TomR says:

This gal tells it as it is. Sounds like she is pretty angry. So am I. obama is going to break our dollar while telling us how well he is fixing the economy.

Wild Thing says:

Yes she is for sure off the Obama
I agree Mark, Darth and Tom, I am so very angry
about all of this too.