29 Nov

University Outlines ‘re-education’ For Those Who Hold ‘wrong’ views

University of Minnesota president Robert Bruininks

Teaching plan: America ‘an oppressive hellhole’
University outlines ‘re-education’ for those who hold ‘wrong’ views
A program proposed at the University of Minnesota would result in required examinations of teacher candidates on “white privilege” as well as “remedial re-education” for those who hold the “wrong” views, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.
The organization, which promotes civil liberties on the campuses of America’s colleges and universities, has dispatched a letter to University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks asking him to intervene to prevent the adoption of policies proposed in his College of Education and Human Development.

“The university’s general counsel should be asked to comment as soon as possible,” said the letter from Adam Kissel, an officer with The FIRE. “If the Race, Culture, Class, and Gender Task Group achieves its stated goals, the result will be political and ideological screening of applicants, remedial re-education for those with the ‘wrong’ views and values, [and] withholding of degrees from those upon whom the university’s political reeducation efforts proved ineffective.”

By any “non-totalitarian” standards, he wrote, the the plans being made so far by the school are “severely unjust and impermissibly intrude into matters of individual conscience.”

Kissel wrote that it appears that the university “intends to redesign its admissions process so that it screens out people with the ‘wrong’ beliefs and values – those who either do not have sufficient ‘cultural competence’ or those who the college judges will not be able to be converted to the ‘correct’ beliefs and values even after remedial re-education.”

“These intentions violate the freedom of conscience of the university’s students. As a public university bound by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the university is both legally and morally obligated to uphold this fundamental right,” he wrote.

WND messages left with the university requesting comment did not generate a response today.
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Among the issues discussed in the plans are requirements that teachers would be able to instruct students on the “myth of meritocracy” in the United States, “the history of demands for assimilation to white, middle-class, Christian meanings and values,” and the “history of white racism.”
The demands appear to be similar to those promoted earlier at the University of Delaware.
As WND reported, the Delaware university’s office of residential life was caught requiring students to participant in a program that taught “all whites are racist.”
School officials immediately defended the teaching, but in the face of a backlash from alumni and publicity about its work, the school decided to drop the curriculum, although some factions later suggested its revival.
FIRE, which challenged the Delaware plan, later produced a video explaining how the institution of the university pushed for the teachings, was caught and later backed off:

Minneapolis Star-Tribune columnist Katherine Kersten said the developing Minnesota plan would require teachers to “embrace – and be prepared to teach our state’s kids – the task force’s own vision of America as an oppressive hellhole: racist, sexist and homophobic.”

She said the plan from the university’s Teacher Education Redesign Initiative – a multiyear project to change the way future teachers are trained – “is premised, in part, on the conviction that Minnesota teachers’ lack of ‘cultural competence’ contributes to the poor academic performance of the state’s minority students.”

“The first step toward ‘cultural competence,’ says the task group, is for future teachers to recognize – and confess – their own bigotry. Anyone familiar with the reeducation camps of China’s Cultural Revolution will recognize the modus operandi,” she said.

“What if some aspiring teachers resist this effort at thought control and object to parroting back an ideological line as a condition of future employment?” she posed. “The task group has Orwellian plans for such rebels: The U, it says, must ‘develop clear steps and procedures for working with non-performing students, including a remediation plan.'”

“Here’s the kicker,” Fire said in its report. “The college even realizes that its efforts to impose such a severe ideological litmus test may be unconstitutional.”

Wild Thing’s comment………
We need McCarthy style purges of Communism from Science, Academia and the Media. And we cannot do that, the same as we cannot put a bullet through the head of every Muslim. Both are the only apparent solutions to these abysmal problems, but in a free state, we cannot exercise such jurisprudence. Only total revolution could enact these measures. Cleaning the red jihadists out of our universities will be a Herculean task. One way to reduce, if not eliminate, the presence of the left in universities and colleges is to cut off Federal funding to those institutions.
Much of what constitutes teacher education is pure indoctrination. They fill students heads full of toxic mush and turn them loose on the world. There is also the cost in statist indoctrination, killed off critical reasoning skills, and spread of marxist groupthink.
Conservatives I know on here and offline, raise responsible citizens. It’s just getting all the rest of the country’s parents on board that is impossible.
The university system turns out tens of thousands of indoctrinated leftists every year. That is why an environmentalist whacko like Gore, a traitor like Kerry, and an Anti American like Obama are not laughed out of politics.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Jack says:

Buy that ammo!!!

TomR says:

I agree with your comments WT. Our education system and the MSM are what got obama elected.

Jim says:

I like the outfit WT! The only thing shocking about this is the blatant out-of-the-closetness of the university’s policy makers. The communists must be feeling particularly emboldened by Obama. I travel through MSP often and it’s loaded with Somalis. Wonder how long before it resembles Mogadishu.

Mark says:

Yup re-education camps. Gulags Durbin should be happy.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, more ammo is right.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, your so right, it all came
together to get horrid obama elected.

Wild Thing says:

Jim, giggle, thank you.
You sure nailed it, they really are.
“The communists must be feeling particularly emboldened by Obama”
Be careful in your travels.

Avitar says:

How involved in Climategate is University of Minnesota and doesn’t the participation in that criminal fraud give every business victim of the EPA ground to sue in court?