15 Nov

Kruathammer Discusses Giving Khalid Shaikh Mohammed Rights of An American Citizen

Kruathammer: Giving KSM (Khalid Shaikh Mohammed ) the rights of an American Citizen is Unconscionable
This is all show and it’s gonna be a show trial which the terrorists will conduct against us, against the Bush Adm. and the methods, secondly, it’s gonna be the second half of the terror attack, the first half is you attack and you kill, you become notorious and you cause pain and sensation. Then a decade later you appear at the scene of the crime and you have the biggest forum in the world to explain and proclaim the ideology behind it, this is a travesty.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Krauthammer knows his stuff. Nice to see that he’s not taking the politically correct route.
He eviscerates President Obama’s and AG Eric Holder’s decision to give the terrorists responsible for 9-11 the same rights as American citizens.

“I’m not sure that FDR, or Lincoln, or any of our war presidents, or Johnson, or Kennedy would take a combatant and give him the constitutional rights of an American citizen and give him a trial in civilian court. That doesn’t happen.”

TomR says:

KSM is neither an enemy soldier nor a common criminal. He is a terrorist, an illegal combatant.
obama and Holder are using this trial for numerous personal reasons. Grandstanding, politics, getting Bush and the CIA, controlling and amending America’s judicial system, weakening America, strengthening our islamic enemies. obama is America’s #1 enemy.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, all you said ditto to every part of it.
“obama is America’s #1 enemy”, he sure is!!!

Mark says:

Whemn this starts the US will be an easy target.

Lynette in Australia says:

Look – I can save you guys a lot of grief. If you hand him over to me I can arrange a nice little beheading with a blunt knife!!! Really – your politicans & judiciary have lost the f*cking plot!! Don’t allow them to bemirch the memory of 3,000 people who died on 9/11, and Daniel Pearl. This is just GROSS!!!!!!! No, it’s complete and utter SANITY!

Lynette in Australia says:

No, it’s complete and utter INSANITY!