05 Nov

Proclaim Liberty – Ring the Liberty Bell!

The Nation’s only traveling working Liberty Bell carries on in the tradition of the original sacred icon of 1753.
The purpose of this traveling replica Liberty Bell is to carry on the work of America’s most recognizable icon. This is a working Bell, traveling throughout the land, ringing for Liberty and tolling to honor Our American Heroes.Today, the need to motivate men to rise to protect our inalienable freedoms is equally urgent. Sustaining this great nation requires the same dedication of sacrifice. The original Liberty Bell cracked because of the demands of Liberty – another Bell has come to ring the sound of freedom. This exact replica Liberty Bell is carrying on the task and duties of Liberty today. This Bell tolls today for FREEDOM.
It is important to never forget the high price of Liberty and those patriots who have given their lives to protect it.

Wild Thing”s comment………
Awesome tribute to our warriors and to our freedom and liberty.

TomR says:

David Hall was seriously injured when a car plowed into his truck several years ago. The Patriot Guard Riders and others helped him get another truck and repair his bell trailer. He got back to attending military funerals before he was completely healed. Another quiet American hero.

Jack says:

Awesome WT, we owe a lot to the Patriot Riders who faithfully serve and keep the riff raff like the Westboro fakers at bay.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, thank you for sharing about to him.
He has such a wonderful spirit and heart
to do what he does. Yes and American Hero.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, we sure do. It amazes me how much
they do, their trips are not always close
in their areas and many of them ride long
distances to do what they do.

Mark says:

That is Awesome. Chilling is what it is.