01 Nov

Sharpton’s Ex & Daughter Cuffed After Beating A Pair of Harlem Cops

Kathy Jordan and her now ex-husband, the Reverend Al Sharpton

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2009/10/31/2009-10-31_al_sharptons_exwife_and_daughter_get_disorderly_conduct_tickets_after_speeding_a.html#ixzz0VZXFoZTC

Sharpton’s ex & kid cuffed in ‘cop rage’
New York Post
The rabble-rousing Rev should give his daughter a sermon about road rage.
The Rev. Al Sharpton’s ex-wife and daughter were arrested last night after berating a pair of Harlem cops who pulled them over for running a red light in the wrong lane to get around their slow-moving, unmarked cruiser, sources told The Post.
Kathy Jordan, 53, and her daughter, Dominique Sharpton, 23, were handcuffed and hauled to a precinct, where the raging reverend’s daughter tried to no avail to get off the hook because of her family ties, the sources said.
They were issued desk appearance tickets before being set free.

The road rage incident began around 7:30 p.m. on West 110th Street and Eighth Avenue as Dominique became frustrated as she drove behind the crawling police vehicle, the sources said.

Sharpton honked her horn and tailgated the vehicle from the NYPD’s Housing Bureau before finally losing her cool.

She furiously swerved across the double yellow line and sped through a red light to get past the cop car.

The officers pulled her over, and both she and her mother became belligerent and argumentative, the sources said.

They were both slapped in handcuffs and thrown in the cruiser.

Dominique Sharpton was charged with resisting arrest, and issued summonses for crossing a double yellow line and running a light.
Jordan was charged with resisting arrest and obstructing governmental administration, police said.
Sources added that Dominique Sharpton dropped her dad’s famous name at the stationhouse before being released.

An attorney for Al Sharpton said called the arrests and desk appearance tickets “highly questionable and unusual,” and said the civil-rights leader would look into the case.

“How what was apparently a minor traffic dispute ended up with two arrests with desk appearance tickets is highly questionable and unusual. We will pursue all answers in this matter,” said the attorney, Michael A. Hardy.

“Reverend Sharpton has been made aware of the details of the matter and will aggressively support his daughter and her mother, despite their announced change of marital status in 2003. He has instructed his attorneys to seek answers and justice in this matter.”

Both Jordan and her oldest daughter live in Brooklyn. Someone who answered the door at their home refused comment and asked a reporter to “leave the premises. We don’t talk to the press here.”

Jordan — a former backup singer for James Brown — was married to the longtime civil rights activist Sharpton for 23 years before they announced their split in 2004.
The pair, which would have celebrated their wedding anniversary yesterday, has one other daughter, Ashley.
Dominique Sharpton works for her father’s National Action Network.
She was recently named the interim director of membership, according to the organization’s Web site, which said she “brings a host of experience in entertainment, business management and years of seeing and working with her internationally-known father, Rev. Sharpton, to her new position.”
She is also the production events director and a “working actress,” according to her Twitter page.
She told Amsterdam News in a 2008 interview that following in her father’s footsteps was, “not something I really planned on doing, but I know it’s something I have to do. Being his eldest daughter, it’s my responsibility.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Don’t you know who we are? …..LOL hahaha “Don’choo know who I izzz?!?”

Rick says:

I know the one on the left has a certain “tranny” look about, uh, her.

Jack says:

Bwahahaha, more of that strumpet GRAVATAS on display eh?

SSgt Steve, USMC says:

Rick beat to it. That “creature” on the left cannot possibly be a woman.

Rac says:

Lord, I hope the cops weren’t white… RACISSSTS!! I agree with Rick & SSgt Steve, “It” looks worse than Giuliani in drag. If “mama” & daughter have to do any jail time, does “mama” go to a mens or womens lock-up?

Jim says:

Kinda looks like Little Richard. The same kind of thing is causing a stir near home in Kennett MO. Somebody cut in line at a Wal-Mart, the accusations began to fly, the cops were called, the cops were assaulted, an arrest was made, now it’s morphed into an NAACP cause. Trial moved to Bloomfield MO
Jimmy Teets may have to defend Hill 513 before it’s all over with. (Previous story on TW)

Rhod says:

Little Richard or RuPaul. Sheesh.

Mark says:

yeah, the Ex. does have that Tranny look abouthe/she, who knows maybe Ashley’s adopted or maybe the daughter is related To Towana Brawley.
If they were arrested in Harlem , I too hope the cops were black. Makes sense, especially there.

TomR says:

Sub culture royalty. Silly beyond comprehension.

Ron Russell says:

I hadn’t heard this one. Can you hear charges of police brutality coming from the likes of Rev. Al!!!Ha! Ha! Ha!

Anonymous says:

Damn, she looks like Lebron James in drag!

Wild Thing says:

LOL I love all of your responses.
When I first saw her photo I thought
it was a man dresses like a woman, but
it said it was his ex wife with the photo
so it has to be right. hahahaha