11 Oct

Obama Flag Flys in Kokomo, IN. ~

This Obamanation was spotted flying at a house, in Kokomo, IN

Wild Thing’s comment……..
What the hell is this crap! Burn it down with the building! Or just show up at 3am and blast holes through the d@med thing!
They are singing songs to him, praying to him and now they even have their own flag.
What a slap in the face to all who have fought and died for under Stars and stripes!
God help our country!

jan says:

This action is very disrespectful of our national flag and in blatant violation of our Flag Code: Section 8 to begin with:
“The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever…….and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown….”
This owner needs to be put to shame and included in the American Flag Wall of Shame. There are many many others in violation of our flag and its abuse since this jerk bought the WH. Sickening!!

Rac says:

This is one of the most disguting things I’ve ever seen. I think that whoever lives there should pack up and move to the south side of Chicago where they’ll be welcome with open arms. These are the “new patriots”? I do however like that the (flag?) is being flown at less than full staff. Maybe it indicates that there hero is on the way out….. can’t wait till it’s at half staff !!!!!!!

BobF says:

This is disgusting and a mockery of our Flag.
I feel bad for those military members who will be retiring within the next 3 years as they will have Obama’s signature on their Retirement Certificate. To give 20+ years of your life to the service of your nation and then to have the signature of someone trying to tear down what you spent a life protecting and defending.

horace says:

To me, the most important words in the Pledge of Allegiance are “to the flag” and “to the Republic for which it stands.” All the flap over “under God” has made us lose sight of the original meaning of the pledge. This means our allegiance is not to a man but to a symbol of our United States. Not to a “Democracy” but to a “Republic.” America was not founded to be democratic but republican. Democracy is destroying the Republic.

Eden says:

They are for sale on eBay. Disgusting.

SEAN. says:

Soon to be seen in neighborhoods through out San Francisco and Berkeley.
The President and/or his staff should be at the forefront attacking this sort of thing. That would be too much to expect from a group that hates America.

TomR says:

Desecration. No person’s image should be on the flag. I think this gives us an insight into the thinking of obama supporters. They either burn or desecrate the flag. The same thing they are doing to The Constitution.

Jack says:

Well said Horace.

Mark says:

This from the same crowd who have pictures of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara hanging on their walls. They are cowards just like their hero. They should have the same fate as THEIR Hero.

Bob A says:

Obama’s face should be on a Palestinian flag and his friend peanut nuts on the flag of Hamas.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

An ACORN home in a former red state? Who CO-SIGNED? “There goes the neighborhood…” Time to fly the DON’T TREAD ON ME and Stars and Bars flags Team Teddy Bear!

LarryK12309 says:

Big brother on a flag.

Curmudgeon says:

In fairness, I *could* see someone flying such a flag out of sarcasm. “All hail Dear Leader”….
Honestly, I think I would like such a flag, only I would paint such a flag with the international NO symbol (circle and diagonal slash) across the Obama picture.