Sen. Feinstein’s bizarre statement in opposition to DeMint’s attempt to save farmers from eco-hysteria — in which she compares water restoration to, um, Pearl Harbor:
On September 22, 2009, Senator Jim DeMint offered an amendment that would have provided California relief from the man-made drought. The amendment would have blocked federal funding from being used to implement biological decisions that are preventing the Delta pumps from operating. This prohibition would have lasted one year.
Sean Hannity traveled to the San Joaquin Valley to report on the man-made drought that’s wreaking havoc on farmers in the name of saving the Delta smelt

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Amazing how stupid people can be. All enviro’s have lost it imo. I am all for taking care of what God has given us, but God also gave us a brain to use and to force something not to allow water and that is from God too is soooooo stupid and cruel to those trying to survive.
It is just like the forests too. The enviro’s have caused a lot of the forest fires and firefighters to be killed. All because the enviro’s have stopped so many of the fire lanes that the firefighters cut to have paths and breaks in the forest to help protect the forests and be able to fight any future fires.
Evidently these people all grow up in apartments and know nothing about nature and animals.
Their blocking of progress on cheap energy sources is another huge crime.
Insanity. The San Joaquin Valley is being turned into a dust bowl by politicians and environmentalists. To save a useless tiny fish that may become extinct anyway.
Sen Feinstein is a raving lunatic.
The Volvo Driving Birkenstock crowd has struck again.
The whole enviro movement is nothing more than a vehicle to destroy Capitalism.
The Lumber Industry in the Northwest was one of the first to suffer. The Farmers and Ranchers in Northern California and Southern Oregon have been forced into bankruptcy and the local communities which serve them have become ghost towns.
Now we are looking at the Cap and Trade bill which will worsen the situation.
Politicians like Feinstein and Boxer only serve special interest groups, not the people.