07 Oct

Pelosi Says New Tax is ‘on the table’

Pelosi says new tax is ‘on the table’
The Hill
A new value-added tax (VAT) is “on the table” to help the U.S. address its fiscal liabilities, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday night.
Pelosi, appearing on PBS’s “The Charlie Rose Show” asserted that “it’s fair to look at” the VAT as part of an overhaul of the nation’s tax code.

“I would say, Put everything on the table and subject it to the scrutiny that it deserves,” Pelosi told Rose when asked if the VAT has any appeal to her.

The VAT is a tax on manufacturers at each stage of production on the amount of value an additional producer adds to a product.

Pelosi argued that the VAT would level the playing field between U.S. and foreign manufacturers, the latter of which do not have pension and healthcare costs included in the price of their goods because their governments provide those services, financed by similar taxes.

“They get a tax off of that and they use that money to pay the healthcare for their own workers,” Pelosi said, using the example of auto manufacturers. “So their cars coming into our country don’t have a healthcare component cost.

“Somewhere along the way, a value-added tax plays into this. Of course, we want to take down the healthcare cost, that’s one part of it,” the Speaker added. “But in the scheme of things, I think it’s fair look at a value- added tax as well.”

Pelosi said that any new taxes would come after the Congress finishes the healthcare debate consuming most lawmakers’ time, and that it may come as part of a larger overhaul to the tax code.

The Speaker also emphasized that any reworking of the tax code would not result in an increase in taxes on middle-class Americans.


Wild Thing’s comment…….
“I would say put everything on the table and subject it to the scrutiny that it deserves,” Pelosi told Rose when asked if the value-added tax has any appeal to her.
Translation: I never met a tax I didn’t like.
Why not simply tax anyone who votes against them? You know that is what they really want to do.
Sure, there is that pesky Constitution thingy, but that shouldn’t stop them.
No tax is too big and no outrage is too small for these people. We are their ATM machine !!!
They really think our money is theirs. Putzes on parade.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Eden says:

What pisses me off regularly is their outrage at the evil corporations, evil insurance, etc. That sets up their plans to tax said evil groups to pay for things for the regular folks. Hello! It just gets passed to them through higher prices–the evils don’t suffer losses, they pass them on. They do this as a justification for shit like turtle tunnels and airports for no one.
I’m so glad these people are being watched more than ever before. The campaign ads against them have been writing themselves.

Lynn says:

You know, they remind me of Leona Helmsley-“Only little people pay taxes.”
They got mad at Bush with his Big Insurance backdoor dealings, but what are they doing with Big Pharmacy? Same darn thing.
I swear, if any of the crappy tax laden bills go through, I will vote every damn one of them out of office, whether they voted for it or not. They all should be frightened to death of the power of the American people!!! We have the power to fire them. Let’s just start over.

TomR says:

The Europeans are stuck with a VAT tax and they hate it. The VAT will be in addition to other taxng schemes. The VAT is a consumption tax so even those who now pay no income tax will be paying this. So obama is not only breaking(again) his promise of no taxes on less than $250,000, he is also planning to tax the hell out of his supporters.

Mark says:

The Speaker also emphasized that any reworking of the tax code would not result in an increase in taxes on middle-class Americans.
Then where are they going to get all this money from, the RICH. You can only go to that well so many time before it runs dry.
Pilosi is another lying POS.

Anonymous says:

How the %&@# is VAT going to “level the playing field” between us and foreign manufacturers? Oh, by making OUR economy suck more!

Wild Thing says:

Eden, that is so true. It is a total
agenda how they set things up to mess
with business and citizens.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, good one, yesss good
“Leona Helmsley-“Only little people pay taxes.” “

Wild Thing says:

Tom, thank you for explaing that, this
tax stuff gets confusing to me.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, excatly, soon if this tax stuff
does not stop there won’t be anyone to
get it from.

Wild Thing says:

Anonymous,yes seems so, they want us
the needy kid on the block in the