20 Sep

Crazy Wellford Mayor Sallie Peake Defends No Chase Policy

Chris Cato interviews Wellford Mayor Sallie Peake regarding a recently issued chase policy. The Mayors policy states there are to be no foot chases by Wellford Police whatsoever.

Wellford Mayor Sallie Peake Defends No Chase Policy
Wellford, SC
The Mayor of Wellford is defending her policy which bans police officers in that city from chasing suspects. Sallie Peake says the policy also includes vehicle chases along with pursuits on foot.
A memo issued on September 2nd from Peake to all Wellford officers reads:
“As of this date, there are to be no more foot chases when a suspect runs. I do not want anyone chasing after any suspects whatsoever.“
WSPA first reported the mandate on Wednesday after an anonymous citizen faxed a copy of the memo to our newsroom. Peake was out of town and unavailable for comment. On Friday, reporter Chris Cato caught up with her in her office and questioned her about the origin of the policy. Peake says she issued the mandate because several officers have been injured during chases, driving up insurance costs for the town.

“The officers are costing us more money on insurance than most citizens here in the city of Wellford are even earning,“ says Peake.

She says the city is paying out $20,000 annually in workers’ compensation claims, much of it due to the police force. In July, two officers wrecked their cruisers while chasing suspects and had to go to the hospital for minor treatment. The police chief says three officers have been injured during foot chases in the last two years.
Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright says the policy prevents police from upholding the law—a direct violation of their constitutional oath.
“If a bank robber or a drunk driver or a shoplifter or somebody with a warrant runs on foot, it’s our obligation to do what we can do to bring them to justice,“ says Wright.
But when we asked Peake about her order impeding an officer from stopping a crime in progress, she became defensive and irate. The conversation went as follows:
Reporter: “Are you telling your officers if they witness a crime – they witness someone commit a crime on someone else and they’re ten yards away – they can’t go stop that person?“
Peake: “Is that in there?“ (referring to policy)
Reporter: “It says no chases whatsoever.“
Peake: “Well, that’s what I said, no chases, didn’t I? I didn’t say nothing about a crime. If you see a crime, this that and the other -“
Reporter: “Well, that’s what a chase is – “
Peake: “Well, I told them no chase on foot, and (the police chief) know exactly what I mean, so you’re trying to twist what I -“
Reporter: “No, I’m not. You said no chases. No chases means no chases.“
Peake: (claps hands) “You got you a story, thank God! You are so sweet! You got you a story on a woman in Wellford! Hallelujah! I’m so proud of you, Mr. Cato!“
Wellford Police Chief Chris Guy has told his officers to abide by the policy. He says they can still protect the public.

“Just because a suspect may run does not mean we can’t identify them, sign warrants, and catch them later,“ says Guy.

But Sheriff Wright says when a suspect gets away, there is always the chance he could hurt someone before officers catch up with him.
Peake says that won’t happen in Wellford.
Here’s hoping the arm of the law really is long.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
LMAO Can you imagine the 911 disptchers in the future.
“Could you ask the suspect to wait for police to arrive?”

……Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion – 1st Aviation Brigade – Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam

Mark says:

This is more Social justice. Another Obama clone. The states better step in now before this touchy-feely crap gets too far out of hand. Another ‘Denby’ town where the mayor has the I.Q. of a gnat and an attention span to match.

BobF says:

You can see the crime rate going up there.

Eddy Burke says:

Indeed, an Obama clone. This is exactly the policy that Obama is following on the international scene, but applied locally. These left-wing nutcases with their distorted view of reality are slowly coming out of the woodwork now that they have a similar nutcase in the Whitehouse! Well, I say, the more they show their true face, the better.

SEAN. says:

Typical decision made by a Politically Correct Pol.. Made by,’how I personally feel’, rather than by ‘what’s good for the people that I serve.’
‘I.Q. of a gnat and an attention span to match’. cracking me up. Thanks Mark, I’ll have to remember that one.

Jack says:

Reminds me of the day the boss was standing on my toes yelling spittle into my face “there ain’t gonna be no more Sunday’s”, I just love it. This begs the question, why the police force?
The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way.
–Josh Billings

TomR says:

She doesn’t want the police to pursue. She is probably trying to protect family members.

Bob A says:

This story is as much as any joke you could send me. Completely assinine.

Bob A says:

Not that the jokes are, just as laughable. Keep the jokes coming those of you that send them to me.

Wild Thing says:

I agree with all of you, she is nuts.
Thank God she is not in my area, I would
work to get her voted out with her crazy
and dangerous thinking.
Thanks for the quote Jack.