16 Sep

ACORN San Bernadino Investigation

ACORN San Bernadino Child Prostitution Investigation Part I

From Big Government
From Glenn Beck

If you didn’t think ACORN could get any worse after several of their employees (in multiple locations) tried to help a prostitute buy a house, lie to the IRS and run a brothel with underage hookers from El Salvador…you were wrong. It gets much worse. In today’s tapes, this ACORN employee gives away the farm — she names names of politicians she talks to each day, plus what bills they are lobbying heavily for (with taxpayer money). Oh, this Acorn employee is also a former hooker herself, who (in this audio tape) admits to killing her abusive husband. Your tax dollars hard at work!

2007-12-01 Obama Acorn Speech
Obama speaking before a group of Acorn community organizers on December 1, 2007. Didn’t Obama say he had no connection to them other than a little legal work? Then why the promises?

Charlie Gibson told WLS Radio the reason he hasnt reported on ACORN -”(he) didn’t know about it.”


ABC’s Gibson: ACORN Story Is “One You Leave To The Cables”

Real Clear Politics

Acorn Faces More Funding Pressure Over Video Incidents
The Wall Street Journal
Federal and local authorities are considering pulling back on funding Acorn, a leading community organizing group, after videos showed employees at a number of Acorn offices allegedly advising a filmmaker how to evade taxes in operating a brothel.
New York City is “treating this very seriously,” a spokesman for Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, adding that the city will await an investigation by the Brooklyn district attorney before deciding whether to curtail funding the city channels to Acorn. The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or Acorn, is the landlord for some of the city’s affordable housing units. One of the hidden-camera videos was shot at an Acorn office in Brooklyn.
In a video released Tuesday, an Acorn employee in San Bernardino, Calif., said she had been an escort and touted connections with California Democrats Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Joe Baca.
A spokeswoman for Ms. Boxer said the senator has never spoken with the woman, and that staff in California and Washington have not heard of her. A spokesman for Mr. Baca didn’t return calls.
The Acorn employee in the video, Tresa Kaelke, also claimed she had killed her husband. A spokesman for Acorn said Ms. Kaelke’s husband is “alive and well” and she was using humor in what she considered an awkward situation.
Acorn has called the actions unacceptable and has terminated the workers involved.
The U.S. Senate voted 83-7 Monday night to attach an amendment to a must-pass spending bill that would bar Acorn from obtaining direct federal grants. In the past, Acorn has been a target of Republicans, mainly because of several cases of voter registration fraud. But the Senate vote showed the organization is losing support among Democrats. Late Friday, the U.S. Census Bureau severed ties to Acorn, which had been a partner in promoting the 2010 count.
House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio introduced legislation Tuesday that would stop all funding for the group, and sent a letter about Acorn’s activities to President Barack Obama. Several Republicans also called for investigations into the group. Sen. Mike Johanns of Nebraska, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, the top Republican on the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, and Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the Judiciary Committee’s top Republican, separately called for investigations into whether Acorn broke federal laws.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D., Md.) told reporters Tuesday the Acorn employees’ behavior was “despicable.” “If it’s broader-spread, I think we need to look very carefully at the assistance that we give,” he said.
A spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) did not return calls for comment.
An Acorn official said the organization is not worried about losing federal funding. Brian Kettenring, the organization’s deputy national director, said Acorn received between $2 million and $3 million in federal money last year.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Unbelievable. regarding Charlie Gibson, I remember a time when reporters weren’t so lazy and they would go out and dig up information and investigate things. I guess they are only motivated to dig up stuff about Sarah Palin and other conservatives. When it comes to ‘Rats and liberals, they can’t be bothered because they don’t know about it.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Lynn says:

Why do you think Charlie Gibson got replaced? He’s an idiot who doesn’t check his sources. He just spews out whatever he thinks is best.
Acorn is a corrupt entity and it needs to be dealt with severely and swiftly. Funny how it could become an impeachable offense for Obama since he did work for them as a “community organizer.” and they did get him elected by fraudulent means.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Autumn is here and thanks to a few patriots, FOX NEWS and Glenn Beck, the ACORNS are falling like leaves!

TomR says:

Charie Gibson also did not know anything about the 9/12 gathering at DC, because he was “sailing in Maine”.
If obama had completely free rein he would make ACORN a branch of govt. I bet obama did have plans on incorporating ACORN into his national security force.

Jack says:

We don’t have enough guts left in Congress to impeach the sleezeball from Chicago, they are either in bed with him or have their own ties to the scum known as ACORN. Everything Congress has done this year is unconstitutional, the president is unconstitutionally appointing his foot soldiers outside of Constitutional or jurisdictional control and both parties are letting Obama usurp their authority and their power in the halls of Congress. I have no use for any of them as they have not represented the people for years. Impeach all of them.

Jim says:

This is the most corrupt government in our history. At least half of the country sees this. Communists, socialists, criminals. This can’t go on much longer. The racial spark may be the thing that brings these libs down. People have had more than enough.

Mark says:

Charlie Gibson’s a liar. He’s stuck up obamas arse like a plug. This is the jerk who was looking down his nose at Sarah Palin because she didn’t answer the ‘Bush’ doctrine question correctly. But Sarah did answer it correctly, Charlie didn’t know there were several Bush doctrine’s credited to the President.
Gibson has always been a dullard and a second banana who perceives himself as wise, with boundless intellect, he ought to look into the mirror to get the real facts.

Wild Thing says:

Thank you everyone.