06 Sep

Van Jones Resignation Letter ( His Whine and Lies)

Van Jones Resignation Letter

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, discusses Van Jones on “This Week,”

“He was going to get in the way of the President, and ultimately this country, moving forward on something as important as creating jobs in a clean energy economy.”


Glenn Beck statement on resignation of Van Jones
Glenn Beck website

The American people stood up and demanded answers. Instead of providing them, the Administration had Jones resign under cover of darkness. I continue to be amazed by the power of everyday Americans to initiate change in our government through honest questioning, and judging by the other radicals in the administration, I expect that questioning to continue for the foreseeable future.


Wild Thing’s comment……
This is just the beginning. Normandy has been stormed. The creature ( Obama) has been wounded and will begin to fight back with more ferocity. It’s going to get uglier from here on.
Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and others like him who put themselves on the front lines will need all the support we can give them.

Mark says:

Your right WT, when you corner a Rat they always fight. And the biggest Commie Rat of them all is hiding out, getting ready to attack School Children, K-6, just like Hitler.

Bob A says:

Agree Mark. Thanks for the post WT.

Liz says:

I have been listening to Glenn Beck through all this also, and it is unbelievable how Van Jones was even allowed in the White House, even more so, was allowed to even be EMPLOYED by the White House. With his criminal record, how did he get past the Secret Service???? Obama’s senior advisor needs to be checked out next. Her father-in-law was hanging out with Obama’s mentor Frank Marshall Davis, the communist. HHmmm. Some connection here or what? I believe they are all connected somehow to hold each other up and/or protect each other. Scary bunch of lawless gangsters running the White House is spooking me.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, they really are commie rats, I agree
that school thing was over the top. and they
are trying to say our side over reacted..
not a chance.

Wild Thing says:

Bob A., thank you for all you do.

Eden says:

And the WH has still never answered any of Glenn’s questions.
Gibby says: creating jobs in a clean energy economy
What Gibby means: paying back in patronage jobs for getting us elected
And I say “us” because it’s more than one man, it’s a big clusterf*ck of commies, atheists and racists.