06 Sep

The Soros Connection – The Czars And Their Place In The White House

The Soros Connection – The Czars And Their Place In The White House Part 1


Part 2 – The Soros Connection,Glenn’s Interview With A Reformed Communist


Wild Thing’s comment…….
David Horowitz is absolutely correct about their achilles heal.
The far left progressive radical socialists of the Democratic Party would like you to think they are the friend and ally of the underdog or little guy.
They will say and do anything to give you that impression including outright lie.
Obama and his cadre of czars or commissars are not anyone’s friends but just the opposite–our mortal enemies.
Horowitz should know.A friend of his was killed by the Black Panthers–the “community organizers” of Oakland in the 1960s and 1970s .

Mark says:

I just wonder when congress is going to wake up and realize they have given what power they had away and threw the balance of power way out of Whack. These cZars are nothing but trouble for the American People and worse are accountable to no one.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, I agree.
I don’t get why Congress is not balistic
about the czars, like power hungry Pelosi
and others.