Glenn Beck is a Hero. Olberman is a jealous far leftie idiot!
The Left is utterly desperate to destroy Glenn Beck. Keith Olbermann has written a personal “diary” on DailyKos titled: “Send Me Everything You Can Find About Glenn Beck” Olbermann also is asking for dirt on “Stu Burguiere and Roger Ailes”. Stu is Glenn’s longtime producer and friend. this is in response to Beck’s .
Send Me Everything You Can Find About Glenn Beck
from Daily KOS
by Keith Olbermann
Share this on Twitter – Send Me Everything You Can Find About Glenn Beck Sun Sep 06, 2009 at 10:14:03 AM PDT
I don’t know why I’ve got this phrasing in my head, but: Find everything you can about Glenn Beck, Stu Burguiere, and Roger Ailes.
No, even now, I refuse to go all caps.
No, sending me links to the last two Countdowns with my own de-constructions of his biblical vision quality Communist/Fascist/Socialist/Zimbalist art at Rockefeller Center (where, curiously, he works, Comrade) doesn’t count. Nor does sending me links to specious inappropriate point-underscoring prove-you’re-innocent made-up rumors.
Tuesday we will expand this to the television audience and have a dedicated email address to accept leads, tips, contacts, on Beck, his radio producer Burguiere, and the chief of his tv enablers, Ailes (even though Ailes’ power was desperately undercut when he failed to pull off his phony “truce” push).
This becomes necessary after this in order to prove various cliches about goose and gander, and to remind everybody to walk softly and carry a big popsicle, and most particularly to save this nation from the Oligarhy of The Stupid.
I keep wondering if somewhere somebody named Ollie Garhey thinks he’s in charge now. Or, even more entertainingly and societally satisfying, if somebody named Ali Garhi does.
Despite the worn-out snark above, I am in earnest here.
Wild Thing’s comment……
Keith is going to explode hahaha
Well Keith that is how I feel every time I read what Obama is doing.
Glenn’s TV ratings are through the roof and Olberman and Chris Matthews are tanking. And Glenn has already beat them to the punch. He has always been open about the rough times in his life. His alcoholism, etc. I wonder what Olberman has hiding in HIS background? And besides Glenn Beck, he’s a private citizen, not a politician.
God bless Glenn for bringing the truth.
This is what the left does, they do whatever necessary to destroy the opposition. People talk about getting Obama thrown out of office in 2012, who is to say we even have a country left in 2012. We have to do whatever necessary to save it now, or else we won’t recognize it by the time 2012 comes along.
I watched Olberman on TV for a few minutes the other night. I was looking to see the 2X4 tied to his butt to prevent him from falling into Obama’s because he has his head so far up it.He said by Republicans not allowing their children to watch Obama’s speach, they’re going to grow up stupid like “White Southerners”.
BobF., hahahahaha good one!!
“I was looking to see the 2X4 tied to his butt to prevent him from falling into Obama’s because he has his head so far up it.”
Good grief, now see he should be getting hate mail from white southerners for saying that.
Thanks Bob.
Health Care’s in trouble, one of Obama’s Communist-racists resigned and Oberlman is upset because it looks like the socialist machine is grinding to a halt.
So blame Glenn Beck, how convenient, when the shit hits the old fan they look for a convenient target to destroy. After all these years Becks life is an open book.
Reminds me of the attack on you WT, they can’t stand the truth and in their puerile manner will attack anyone who disagrees with their mantra of pure bullshit and lies. The vicious attack on the man and biting off his finger is proof of their derangement. And they say that chimpanzee’s are dangerous, hand them a freaking mirror. O’Bonobo’s kinfolk.
Mark, exactly how convenient, that is
so typical of the left.
Jack, yes, they do love to go after
people. That finger biting was
so horrible. It reminded me of Mike
Tyson the boxer. Holyfied was winning
so Tyson bites a chunk of his ear off.
It’s not even about Glenn Beck. It’s about ratings. He couldn’t care less about any of the shit he spins. He gets his talking points from the WH. This is to appease the Cheeto eaters.
He has a big long contract so I doubt he even really cares about ratings except for ego purposes.
He should be given an Emmy for pretending to care, because apparently a few members of the stupid part of our society believe he does.