23 Jul

Awesome Sen. Jim DeMint Stands By His Saying “Obama’s Waterloo”

This graphic is from Rush Limbaughs website. It is just soooo perfect! Thank you Rush!


Sen. Jim DeMint calls defeating Obama like Waterloo

“If we’re able to stop Obama on [health care reform], it will be his Waterloo. It will break him and we will show that we can, along with the American people, begin to push those freedom solutions that work in every area of our society.”

Sen. Jim DeMint: Obama “On A Rampage, We’ve Got To Stop Him”

“He’s been on a rampage to take over various parts of our economy,” DeMint said. “We’ve got to stop him… I’m serious.”

RUSH Limbaugh:

Obama is already failing. He is in the process of failing and failing big. He is failing the United States. He is failing our country. He is failing our economy. He, in his mind, is succeeding. This is what people still don’t get. What’s happened as a result of his policies is exactly what was intended. There is no sane person in the world who would implement policies like this if their objective was economic growth and prosperity. You would only do what they are doing and then double down on it if your intent is to remake it, destroy it, and put it back together in a way that we won’t recognize.

Obama is mad that his presidency might be destroyed. We heard this from Charles Grassley who quotes a member of the House, saying that, “Democrats in Congress could destroy my presidency.” And that’s what makes him mad. See, he doesn’t care if he destroys private insurance companies. He doesn’t care if he destroys the automobile industry. He doesn’t care if he destroys elements of the private sector. He doesn’t care if millions of jobs are destroyed, but, boy, let’s start talking about his presidency being destroyed, and now we got some anger and now we got some motivation. And the motivation Rahm Emanuel and the Democrats and Obama are in today is saving his presidency. It’s not about giving you health care. It’s not about doing anything for you. What have they done for you?

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I do so love it when Obama is upset. He has been upsetting us, during the campaign, and ever since he was sworn in.

Lynn says:

And it will be his Waterloo. Most people are turning toward the right again. This healthcare plan has polarized us like nobodies business and he’s about to go completely beserk! I am just waiting for the day he goes ballistic on all of us, kicks over his teleprompters, screams obscenities, rips off his clothes and goes running out of the White House into traffic and starts acting like a wild monkey in front of God and all creation. He’s almost crying now.

Mark says:

It is good to see Jim DeMint NOT back down. A lot of Republicans have done just that, but have backed away from their statement. He could be a real leader.
Lets hope he has no bimbo’s in his closet. Because you know if he does the deficrats will surely root them out.

TomR says:

I certinly hope Jim Demint is correct. obama wants to pass bills that will break America’s economy and also put the government in control of everything Americans do. If most of those bills fail to pass I think he will be a one term president.

Avitar says:

Remember after Waterloo there was years of danger for Europe. The old police saying of follow the money is probably the most importannt thing for the future that we could do today. With the billions diverted to ACORN by the “Stimulous” package Obama is loading magazines around the country for a long fight. We won’t be seeing him waiving from a helicopter when he leaves the Whitehouse.

Jim says:

Ha ha! Lynn, that’s great. That forms a great mental image.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, LOL I love it.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, yes so far so good. He has stayed
strong and stood by what he said.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I agree, the feeling of Obama
being a one term president gets
stronger all the time.

Wild Thing says:

Avitar, your right about following the