15 Jul

Obama Booed at All-Star Game and Laughs As He Says “We’re Out of Money”

Obama faced a tough crowd in St. Louis tonight at the All-Star Game. He was booed loudly by the crowd before he threw out the first pitch.


American hater Obama sitting in the broadcast booth with Joe Buck and Tim McCarver laughs and jokes about being out of money as he kids about a bailout for baseball. SHEESH! He really has NO respect for our country at all, this is yet another time he is laughing at running our country into the ground! Damn him! ~ Wild Thing

Wild Thing’s comment……
Watch the guy driving the cart too. He glances over at Obama but notice how he looks forward again right away made me think he felt like I do, and he didn’t want to even look at Obama. hahaa Then Obama reaches out to shake the drivers hand, the driver shakes it but no smile on his face at all. NONE. hahaha
Maybe I am reading it wrong but body language and fascial expressions count too and it does look like he is not that thrilled with Obama. heh heh.
We could hear the boos a lilttle better on TV, but not huge, but they were there.

Mark says:

In contrast when Bush through out the first pitch of the 2001 Series, there was a huge standing ovation, cheers and chants of USA, USA… here I heard some cheering but a loud chorus of Booing. His flight down is beginning.
It doesn’t show it but does the ball make it all the way to homeplate ?

jim warren says:

Show-Me staters letting the Big 0 know that he hasn’t shown them much over the past 6 months. It’s great! BTW, if anyone is planning to visit Busch Stadium to take in a ball game, I have the perfect strategy for a painless, no-traffic trip to the ballpark.

Jack says:

Well he can go back and legislate baseball out as a racist hate sport, he’s so alike l’il Kimmy and his twin, Hugo.

Mark says:

I just checked FoxSports. Nope, the ball didn’t make it to home plate. When President Bush threw the ball out at Yankee stadium it was a strike. This bozo can’t even make it to the catcher.

TomR says:

I wonder if he did a few tokes before going into the broadcast booth.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, oh yesss what a contrast.
Your right I was hoping to find a
video showing how it fell short of

Wild Thing says:

Jim, giggle thanks.I sure will if I
ever get to go there.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, yes he really is an awful lot
like they are.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, LOL thank you so much for checking
on it. Hahahahaha What a HUGE difference.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, maybe he did. I wonder if he does
that stuff when he sneaks off like for one
of is cigs.